You Are Already That

Question & Answers

Dear GM..! Is there Nothing in everything? Is there no solidity or substance in any thing? Then why this play is going on for nothing?

January 29, 2023 | 398 views |

GM: No - thing - object..! Just close your eyes ... You find no thing within! It is not nothing... But full of something... You find peace within... Peace

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Beloved Gm, Can you clarify your message “Value Yourself First” clearly so that I can understand it better for my inner growth?

January 22, 2023 | 442 views |

GM: Your self means your Consciousness at present as 'I am ness'! But for your Consciousness there is nothing here! Your Consciousness 'I am ness' is the fundamental principle without

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Beloved GM , What is Surrender? Can you explain about this?

January 15, 2023 | 389 views |

GM: With what Identity you are asking this question? Surrendering means giving up everything you have as yourself ! Certainly at the personality level this term 'Surrendering' is being

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GM can you kindly clarify me what is Non Dual and what is Dual?

January 8, 2023 | 417 views |

GM: Non Dual is prior to space ! Duality is within space ! Non Dual neither appear nor disappear, the Ever present Ultimate Reality ! In duality everything appears and

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Beloved GM, Can anyone do anything in a flow by considering even the mistakes are just a dream only? Is this the right way and should be accepted as it is? Help me…!

January 1, 2023 | 329 views |

GM: First know you are Consciousness only at present. In your 'I am ness' Consciousness only you know your presence as well all things around you in space. Your Consciousness

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Beloved GM, Hit me hard and wake me up!

December 28, 2022 | 395 views |

GM: Only to wake up physically, sound is needed. To wake up consciously neither sound nor movements are needed. While your 'I am' Consciousness merges in source through stillness, it

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Beloved GM, Why I remain serious always? How to transform my seriousness into laughter?

December 25, 2022 | 422 views |

GM: What is seriousness? Why are you serious always? Don't you know what you are? Are you not Conscious of yourself just now? Don't you know that only in your

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Beloved GM, What is Beauty?

December 21, 2022 | 353 views |

GM: Your 'I am ness' is the Only Beauty out of which the entire manifestation happens Just Now! Your 'I am ness' is not a person but your direct knowing

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Beloved GM, when I am Conscious, action goes slow… But need fast movement in outer world, in this situation when I am totally involved in work then I have doubts whether I am Conscious or not … how can I deal this?

December 13, 2022 | 271 views |

GM: First know that all activities are carried out by Consciousness only.....! What do you mean by Conscious? Conscious is the stillness within you....! This stillness is the beginning of

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Beloved GM, As I cannot stop thoughts, and thoughts lead to multiple actions, how can I remain an observer of thoughts rather than the doer of thoughts? 

December 10, 2022 | 469 views |

GM: You cannot remain an observer as you are already and always only an observer of whatever happens in the field of Consciousness..! Whether Consciousness happens or not, You, the

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