You Are Already That

Beloved Gm, Can you clarify your message “Value Yourself First” clearly so that I can understand it better for my inner growth?

January 22, 2023 | 448 views


Your self means your Consciousness at present as ‘I am ness’!

But for your Consciousness there is nothing here!

Your Consciousness ‘I am ness’ is the fundamental principle without which neither your presence nor the world can be known!

In your Consciousness only everything appears now.!

In your Consciousness only everything happens now.!

In your Consciousness everything disappears now.!

Everything begins in your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness and ends up in your ‘I amness’ only.!

You never knew the immense potential of yourself as you are yet to be Conscious of yourself at present.!

Your Consciousness is accepting itself as a person at the form level identity by not knowing the Consciousness within Just Now.!

How do you see the form?

Can you see your form without Consciousness?

In your Consciousness only entire manifestation happens…Just Now.!

In your Consciousness not only your form but all forms happen…Just Now!

Tell me which is separate from yourself Just Now?

Your Consciousness is not a person but unbounded infinity beyond Space!

Space happens out of your Consciousness only…Just Now!

Every object appears in your Consciousness only…Just Now!

Though your Consciousness is prior to space, prior to form…it never knows its infinite potential… beyond limitations!

Your Consciousness is the source of all forms in Space!

Every form is Conscious form only in Space!

Unknowingly your Consciousness accepts itself as a tiny form as it is yet to be Conscious of itself to know that the entire manifestation happens out of itself…Just Now!

Though your Consciousness is infinite …
Now it accepts itself as a limited form …at the personality level!

Consciousness is sleeping through the personality level identity!

Only a Realized says:

Close your eyes!

Know the stillness within!

This stillness is only the beginning of your Consciousness….

After listening to a Realized your Consciousness starts waking up through stillness and knows its immense potential within.!

Now tell me!

Is it not essential to value yourself as your self contains all within space?
