You Are Already That

Beloved GM, What is Beauty?

December 21, 2022 | 347 views


Your ‘I am ness’ is the Only Beauty out of which the entire manifestation happens Just Now!

Your ‘I am ness’ is not a person but your direct knowing beyond form!

The formless Consciousness knowing its presence as ‘I am ness’ through the form is another Beauty!

The infinite Consciousness which has no boundaries now starts knowing its presence as ‘I am ness’ through a tiny form…

This is another Beauty!Β 


Your ‘I amness’ prior to form and space now manifests space and all objects simultaneously in space!

This is one more Beauty!Β 


In your ‘I amness’ only the entire world happens Just Now!

This is one more beauty!


In your ‘I amness’ only entire Cosmos, Universe happen Just Now!

This is another beauty!


In your ‘I amness’ only all objects right from the sand up to galaxies happen Just Now!

This is another Beauty!


In your ‘I amness’ only every movement happens just now! But for your ‘I amness’ no movement here in space!

This is one more Beauty!


Though in your ‘I amness’ all Objects happen… unknowingly your Consciousness identifies itself as a tiny form with fixed labels.

This is another Beauty!


Entire creations are by your ‘I amness’ only Just Now…but your Consciousness accepts itself as a separate identity at the form level and creates multinumber of divisions based on this identity in space!

This is also another Beauty !


Your ‘ I am ness’ is prior to form… Now accepts itself as a form….hence the story begins at the form level…

This is one more Beauty!


Your ‘I amness’ is yet to know the Observer…hence it accepts all that Observed as Real!

This is also a Beauty!


Your ‘I amness’ does not know that it is the source of the entire manifestation in space!
By not knowing this secret it becomes a slave to all that perceived.

This is also another Beauty!


Your ‘I amness’ Consciousness is yet to know its Beauty beyond divisions by abiding in stillness consistently…..

Till then this ‘I am ness’ Consciousness goes on asking what is Beauty as if Beauty is apart from itself.

Better stay beyond words and settle in Stillness to know the endless Beauty of your ‘I amness’ Consciousness!

Will you?