You Are Already That

Beloved GM, As I cannot stop thoughts, and thoughts lead to multiple actions, how can I remain an observer of thoughts rather than the doer of thoughts? 

December 10, 2022 | 464 views


You cannot remain an observer as you are already and always only an observer of whatever happens in the field of Consciousness..!

Whether Consciousness happens or not, You, the Observer, prevail forever.

Now you are asking How to remain an Observer of thoughts?

Where do thoughts happen?

Know this first.!

Thoughts happen in your ‘I am’ Consciousness…!

If you are not Conscious, how will you know your thoughts?

This clearly shows that you never know that you are Consciousness at present….!

You are never Conscious of your ‘I am ness’ which is Here…Now….!

You take yourself to be a person with fixed identities and your goal is to fulfill many desires that happen frequently…and spend your life only to fulfill……!

But this will not fetch you peacefulness…!

You are conscious first….!

Then only in your Consciousness all appear, happen and disappear too….!

First have this understanding firmly……!

First know, what Consciousness is…!

The beginning of your Consciousness is stillness ‘I am’ without words.

Consciousness is not a word…

but it is beyond words…!

This you must know first…. The stillness in you….!

Otherwise, all these talks remain only a theory for you….!

It should become your direct knowing…!

Why I am telling this because you are already Conscious only, throughout the waking state but unaware of it….!

Once you stabilize in your ‘ I am ness’ without words, then it is easier for you to observe thoughts or whatsoever that appear to happen….!

Since you do not know to be Conscious

You are dictated by thoughts…

so you become the doer of thoughts….!

Once you are Conscious of your presence in stillness……

Then you know…..

In your Consciousness, only all else happen…!

There is no doer…!

All by Consciousness itself….!

Then you will not be a slave to thoughts which happen in your Consciousness for a shorter duration….!

Rather you observe thoughts silently…
and will not get involved unless it is needed…! Till then you are dictated by thoughts…
What a fall..!!

Master obeying servant…?

Can it happen if you are Conscious?


You say you cannot stop thoughts…

Have you started thoughts?

Then how can you stop them?

They simply happen…….!

As long as breathing is there…..

Thoughts will flow in your Consciousness….!

Once you start observing thoughts…
they simply disappear….!

Your breathing also becomes slower… and slower…!

You inhale …!
It is a movement…

You exhale …!
This is another movement….!

Between these two movements, there is a gap ……
Between inhale… and exhale…this gap is non movement, unmoving….!

This non movement, unmoving is nothing but the peace within……
which is Stillness….!

So the more you observe, your breathing speed will be slower….!

You get to know the unmoving peace within you…..!

The more the Observation…..

The more the peacefulness within..!

In Observation, you know that all actions are done by Consciousness itself…!

Including breathing, heartbeat, metabolic activities…and there is no doer….!

Now, you won’t try to stop thoughts as they drop on their own in your stillness and no thought left to dictate you …as you remain a Master always…!

You say, thoughts lead to multiple actions……

Is it?

Where do thoughts exist?

Can any action happen if you are not Conscious?

Know, it is only your consciousness carrying out all activities right from breathing……!

Thoughts cannot act..!

Only Consciousness does all actions..!

All actions are done through Conscious forms…by Consciousness itself…!

It is the indwelling conscious principle ‘I am’ within forms carries out all actions.

When all actions are carried out by Consciousness within forms….

How do you say thoughts lead to multiple actions?

Thoughts have no dwelling place…
they simply move in Consciousness.

How can they lead to multiple actions?

Thoughts are at the mercy of Consciousness…!

When Consciousness is not there, thoughts cannot happen…as they depend on conscious knowing   ‘I am’….

Understand the difference…

Without your Consciousness even the world cannot happen..!
Just now..!

In Your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness only everything is manifested…here in Space.!

It has the Highest potential.

It pervades everywhere.

It creates entire manifestation….!

know your immense magnitude at the Conscious level.!

Don’t fall a prey to non-existing thoughts…!

It is like an emperor, not knowing his richness begging for coins in streets…..!

You are an Emperor at the Conscious level…!

But worrying about thoughts like a beggar counting coins….!

Wake up…!

This is the only remedy!

How long are you going to sleep and dream and suffer in your dream?

It is high time your Consciousness wakes up and feels relieved from the so-called dream……!

Then it knows…..

What ‘It is Exactly.!‘

It is Eternal only.!


Ever present..!

Then it laughs at the whole joke by elemental Conscious play…!

Once you know exactly what you are….

Then you are in endless joy and infinite peace….!

Don’t miss it..!

It is Here…Now …!