You Are Already That

Question & Answers

Beloved GM, What is freedom?

August 15, 2022 | 378 views |

GM: Freedom from what? Real freedom is to be with yourself. You are already free Inwardly! No one can enter your inner kingdom to enslave you! Your inner treasure contains

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Beloved GM, To be Happy…. To be Free…. Why this Consciousness always seek some reason?

August 12, 2022 | 332 views |

GM: First know, Consciousness cannot seek Happiness or Freedom or anything outside once it is Conscious of itself....! Your consciousness does not know... what it is.....? It does not know....

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Dear GM, When Consciousness knows itself it is Awareness…..If so, is Consciousness only Awareness? Or Is Consciousness being used as a tool to know Awareness? If so, Who uses this tool called Consciousness?

August 9, 2022 | 360 views |

GM: Know, it is always Awareness that prevails forever....! Awareness is Unmoving... Unchanging...  Ever present Reality...! It is Never born...! Don't assume that Awareness is different from you ...! You

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Beloved GM, Is there a dimension of Consciousness far deeper than thought? Is Consciousness the awareness?

August 6, 2022 | 360 views |

GM: You are conscious of yourself at present as 'I am ness'....! Light is Consciousness! Out of light only all objects and forms appear in space including your form  Just

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Beloved GM, you have mentioned that after the touch with the realized, ‘I am ness’ Consciousness starts knowing that it is conscious only. Is the meeting of the realized is needed for this? Kindly clarify.

August 2, 2022 | 349 views |

GM: Here this question is at the personality level! Still, you consider yourself to be a person with fixed labels.! At the conscious level ...No such labels exist.! Only at

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Beloved GM, Is knowing the Observer, i.e. Self Realisation is Sudden or Gradual?

August 2, 2022 | 412 views |

GM: Knowing is always Here..Now..! Knowing is Spontaneous! In deep sleep you do not know that you exist! Spontaneously you come to know that you exist as 'I am ness'......

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Dear GM, when I am Conscious, action goes slow… But need fast movement in outer world. In this situation when I am totally involved in work then I have doubts whether I am Conscious or not … how can I deal this?

July 26, 2022 | 300 views |

GM: First know that all activities are carried out by Consciousness only.....! What do you mean by Conscious? Conscious is the stillness within you....! This stillness is the beginning of

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Beloved GM, Are you saying just because of food intake, the body is sustained and hence the ‘I am ness’? When consciousness knows itself, what happens to the ‘I am ness’?

July 23, 2022 | 352 views |

GM: You are asking whether the body is sustained just because of food......! Certainly...! This form is made of five elemental interaction resulting in  'I am ness' the indwelling principle

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Beloved GM, Consciousness unknowingly get trapped in form and creates subject and object duality… How it can be traced back to the Source?

July 20, 2022 | 387 views |

GM: Certainly .. Consciousness is trapped by subject and object duality at the personality level .....! At the Conscious level....!  Only Consciousness here...! Entire manifestation is by Consciousness itself....! Nothing

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Beloved  GM, What is the difference between you and me?

July 16, 2022 | 469 views |

GM: The observer is non dual! Only in duality all divisions like you, me, this and that appear! This question is at the duality level. Now I have to answer

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