You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Consciousness unknowingly get trapped in form and creates subject and object duality… How it can be traced back to the Source?

July 20, 2022 | 366 views


Certainly .. Consciousness is trapped by subject and object duality at the personality level …..!

At the Conscious level….! 

Only Consciousness here…!

Entire manifestation is by Consciousness itself….!

Nothing is separate from Consciousness…!

You are asking how to trace back to its source?

Consciousness has to know that it is Consciousness only…!

Then it starts abiding in stillness consistently….and merges totally in Awareness itself which is the Source and knows that it is Ever Present Awareness Only Non dual …!

And never the duality which appears and disappears…..!

After knowing its Source…!

It knows that it is Never Born…!

Whatever that appeared in space is only a dream and not real…!


Only after knowing its source…!

Not until then.!

Better remain Conscious of yourself through stillness and settle in stillness beyond words and know you are only the Observer and never the Observed….!