You Are Already That

Beloved GM, you have mentioned that after the touch with the realized, ‘I am ness’ Consciousness starts knowing that it is conscious only. Is the meeting of the realized is needed for this? Kindly clarify.

August 2, 2022 | 337 views


Here this question is at the personality level!

Still, you consider yourself to be a person with fixed labels.!

At the conscious level …No such labels exist.!

Only at the personality level, you are different and the realized is different.!

Once you are conscious there are no such divisions…as all are by your Consciousness only.!

Initially, you need to be in touch with a realized…. because only a Realized can make you conscious of yourself….and help your Consciousness to know its Unborn Supreme Richness…

Beyond dualities.

How do you know that you exist?

How do you know your form?

Can your form be known if you are not Conscious of yourself?

You know that you exist now!


Only Because of your ‘I am ness’…. Consciousness..!

So to know your existence and all things around you in space …

Your Consciousness is Essential.!

In your Consciousness only entire manifestations happen just now….!

Entire manifestations Viz., World, cosmos, Universe, all living and non living being depend on your Consciousness….!

Your consciousness never knows that it is Consciousness only just now…!

Unknowingly it accepts itself as a form…with fixed labels ….and continues to struggle because of such identifications…!

There is no end for your ignorance at the form level…!

Your Consciousness which is never born accepts that it is born at the form level identity…and accepts death also to be more real….as it does not know that it is prior to form and form happens out of it..!

Though your consciousness is prior to form…it accepts itself as a form…. unknowingly..!

By accepting itself as a form …. it accepts the birth as real…..

By accepting the birth as real …it accepts the death to be more real….though it never dies….!

Only the form appears and disappears in your ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness.!

But Consciousness is Ever here….!

This your Consciousness is yet to know as it is trapped by the form level identities….!

Your Consciousness only manifests the form just now…not knowing that not only your form but all forms are manifested just now ….!

Your consciousness which is ever here now afraid of losing the form….!

Your Consciousness is yet to know that it is Consciousness only …!

Only by knowing that it is Consciousness …

It starts Waking up from the dream called personality…!

Your Consciousness sleeps conveniently through the personality identity….!

It is yet to wake up from the so called dream….!

How can it wake up unless it knows it is Consciousness only?

So the sleep is endless throughout the waking state and struggling too…..

What is the remedy for your dream?

Only wakefulness!

Is it not?

How can your Consciousness wake up as it is holding the personality to be itself?

It is your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness which is the source of entire manifestation within space!

Can you remain peaceful when you are accepting something which is not you as yourself?

Similarly, your Consciousness unknowingly accepts itself as a person….hence it struggles endlessly inside the dream…!

Your Consciousness remains in ignorance …..till it meets a Realized…who has transcended duality and knows the Ultimate Truth beyond birth and death…!

Now is it not necessary to be in touch with a realized to wake up from the personality dream?

Only a Realized says ‘ Go within.!
There is not even an iota of truth within space! Whatever observed are not real…only a dream..! ‘.

Realized says:

‘Close your eyes and know the stillness within….!

Abide in stillness consistently..!

Your Consciousness merges in its source of Awareness and transcends itself totally to know its Unborn nature…!

Only when your Consciousness wakes up totally…it knows that it is Never Born…

What is born is …. Only an unreal dream at the form level…! ‘.

What will be the struggle for the one which is never born?

Is it not essential to wake up from the dream?

Your Consciousness can wake up only after meeting a realized…not until then.!

There are no persons here.!

All by Consciousness itself.!

At the Conscious level….no such division as you and the realized..!

Only at the personality level such divisions exist!

At the personality level you remain asleep forever…!

Only at the Conscious level..your Consciousness starts waking up from the so called form level dream….!

Now tell me…

Is it not essential to be in touch with a realized to wake up Consciously from the form level dream?

To know your eternity beyond birth and death?

Only a Realized can make you Conscious of yourself and wake you up consciously from the perceived dream…!

Do you want to continue the dream or to wake up from the dream just now?

Now you know whether you need to be in touch with a Realized or not….!

Isn’t it?