You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Is there a dimension of Consciousness far deeper than thought? Is Consciousness the awareness?

August 6, 2022 | 343 views


You are conscious of yourself at present as ‘I am ness’….!

Light is Consciousness!

Out of light only all objects and forms appear in space including your formĀ  Just now.!

Consciousness is the source of entire manifestations in space just now.!

Consciousness is not a dimension but the source itself ….!

This Consciousness knows itself asĀ  ‘I am ness’ through the form…!

Consciousness is infinite and prior to space and time.

Consciousness is prior to form.

Consciousness is prior to movements.

You are more than Consciousness …!

The source of Consciousness is Awareness!

Only forms appear in your Consciousness just now.!

But you are the Observer prior to Consciousness and its contents.

You are That!

That – The Absolute beyond dualities..!

Beyond Birth and Death..!

The Eternal Truth.!

The Ultimate Observer.!

Just now.!