You Are Already That

Question & Answers

Dear GM, I am more worried about the past incidents…. could you help me to come out of my past?

September 17, 2022 | 370 views |

GM: Where is the past? Show me! Present itself is moving faster now. You cannot hold anything to be real here! Then what are you worrying about? Is your worry

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Dear GM, Wherever I go in search of peace, Silence… everyone says learn meditation. What is the connection between peace and meditation? Why should I meditate?

September 14, 2022 | 249 views |

GM: Meditation is only to know the stillness within! Your Consciousness is stuck at the personality level! Hence it accepts all as real including your form! It goes on accumulating

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Dear GM, To whom I belong to?

September 9, 2022 | 323 views |

GM: With what Identity you are asking this? Certainly at the personality level only! Are you a thing? Do you ever know that you are not a thing? But the

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Beloved GM, I remain conscious but somehow I am caught by thoughts…How?

September 7, 2022 | 395 views |

GM: You need not maintain Consciousness. It is Here Always.! Just settle Here and you will know the peace which is infinite...! You can never miss the peace. The Entire

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Dear GM, Is this ‘I am ness’ Consciousness same and one for all or different for each and everyone ? How is it possible that all have one Consciousness only? Kindly clarify gm.

September 2, 2022 | 258 views |

GM: You take yourself to be a fixed shape with certain labels added to it....! As a person, you accept you are separate from other forms. Are you a person?

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Dear GM, How to identify that one is Realized?

August 31, 2022 | 422 views |

  GM: You can Never know the Realized ones as they live a simple life. They remain unknown always! It is difficult to find them as they remain unaddressed to

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Beloved GM, What exists?

August 26, 2022 | 471 views |

GM: Know first! That Whatever Appears to Exist is Not Real ..! Where do they all exist? In your 'I am' Consciousness only.! Is it not? Entire manifestations and the

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Beloved GM, I have the habit of eating Non vegetarian, whether it must be stopped in the path of spiritual journey? Will it be a barrier for my spiritual journey? Kindly clarify this.

August 23, 2022 | 407 views |

GM: What is spirituality? Spirituality is nothing but knowing your Supreme Unborn Nature. You are Already the Supreme... but yet to realize it. Now you are caught by this conscious

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Dear GM, everything originates from Light, everything in its essence is light… Am I also… the light..?

August 20, 2022 | 432 views |

GM: Of course, every matter arises of light only. But you are not the light. Only matter is born out of light... Not you! Whatever that appears in space is

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Beloved GM, You say “Consciousness is entertaining you Constantly.” But I see more violence happening in day today life. Is this the way of entertainment by Consciousness?

August 15, 2022 | 333 views |

GM: You see a movie on a screen... It appears to be real only. But they are nothing but a reflection of light only. Even now whatever perceived within space

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