You Are Already That

Dear GM, How to identify that one is Realized?

August 31, 2022 | 396 views


GM: You can Never know the Realized ones as they live a simple life.

They remain unknown always!

It is difficult to find them as they remain unaddressed to the public.

They know that whatever perceived is not real… so they remain cool about the perceived.

Whatever that happens is not real… though it appears to be real.

Only they can guide you to know your Supreme Reality.

Still, they are very rare to find.

They won’t talk much….they remain calm and remain unbothered Always.

You cannot know them at the personality level…though they may be nearer to you.

Unless you are conscious and live consciously… you cannot find them.

Once you are conscious, Spontaneously you find them and get their guidance too.

Consciousness is the Only key to get connected to them.

Your consciousness arises out of Awareness and merges back in Awareness only.

At the conscious level you are continuously connected to them as
they are the Source of Consciousness.

Here the word ‘They are’ used only for convenient understanding…( ‘They’- refers… The Absolute Only.)

You are conscious and know that ‘You exist even without words’ that is stillness.

You know the Realized ones… once you are rooted in stillness.

When you are nearer to them you know the peace within and joy too inwardly.

They make you more peaceful as your Consciousness merges in Awareness as in sleep.

Only they can help you… guide you…to wake up from the dream by Consciousness.

They take you deeper to the Source itself and make you realize your Ultimate Reality.

They deny Birth and Death.

They know their Eternal nature beyond Birth and Death.

Their talks take you deeper inwardly.

Only fortunate ones get to know them and imbibe what is expounded by them deeply and realize their True Nature.

Do not miss them if you find any…………!