You Are Already That

Dear GM, everything originates from Light, everything in its essence is light… Am I also… the light..?

August 20, 2022 | 427 views


Of course, every matter arises of light only.

But you are not the light.

Only matter is born out of light…

Not you!

Whatever that appears in space is only a reflection of light…just now…not real!

Only the Observer beyond space is real!

You are neither the light nor its contents in space just now.!

Know, you are Observer only! Non Dual!

You are trapped by whatever perceived in space at the duality level…. not knowing that they are only unreal dream just now!

Better wake up and know.!

Light is the Source of entire manifestation.!

The Source of light is the Absolute.!

You are THAT.!

You are neither the light nor the manifested objects in space!

You are the Observer beyond dualities just now.!