You Are Already That

Beloved GM, What exists?

August 26, 2022 | 466 views


Know first! That Whatever Appears to Exist is Not Real ..!

Where do they all exist?

In your ‘I am’ Consciousness only.!

Is it not?

Entire manifestations and the whole beauty of it is a Miracle Only…!

Whole existence is just a miracle only…. happening in your consciousness …

Just Now..!

You see flowers, Rivers, Mountains, whole cosmos, Birds and all appearances and you are enticed by the beauty of entire manifestations… !

The entire bundle of perceived manifestation is nothing but a miracle by  ‘I am’ Consciousness….!

Not knowing where they happen and how they happen….. Whether all are real or not… you see simply see and say you are lost in its Beauty …..!

Do you ever know that whatever you perceive is by your consciousness Only?

You are inviting the creator unnecessarily not knowing that the whole creation is by your  ‘I am’ Consciousness only….

Just Now!

At the personality level, you are yet to know what Consciousness is…!

So you say, ‘All is by the creator !’

Can there be any creations without the creator?

Can there be any world without your Consciousness?

Your Consciousness is the creator…!

Creating world just now in your Conscious field.

There are no persons.!

When all that exist is true, then why do they disappear?

Your world exists when ‘ I am’ Consciousness happens and ends up… when ‘ I am’ Consciousness is no more.

Existence of the World, Cosmos, Universe depend on your ‘ I am’ Consciousness.

Where do they all exist now?

In your ‘ I am’ Consciousness….only.!

How do you know that you exist?

Through ‘ I am’ Consciousness only..!

Can you know if the form is not available?

This form is necessary to know the  ‘I am’ Consciousness within….!

‘I am ‘Consciousness within is a biochemical with sensors…!

It contains the seed of the entire manifestations within.

Through the form this ‘I am’ Conscious reflects itself as cosmos, universe etc., in space…. !

Whatever perceived in space is only a reflection of light.!..

Not Real..!

They appear to exist but not so….exactly like seeing a film on the screen where you see….a hero chasing some one… Singing and dancing with a heroine…

You see only a reflected image in the screen but it appears so real….!

Similarly, even now whatever you perceive in space are only the reflection of ‘I am’ Consciousness within…not real..!

Whatever that happens within conscious field is nothing but an Entertainment only….!

No reality in it….

Consciousness entertaining itself…as there are no persons here….!

This you will know only when you see the light within…which is ever here…but you are yet to see …!

You are bothered only about that which exists for a while… !

Have you known who is the Observer of all that appear to exist?

Is he not prior to existence?

Observer prevails Forever… Unbothered… whether something exists… or not….!

You, the Observer are already beyond waking, sleep and dream States…..!

You prevail forever whether Consciousness happens or not..!

See how you were caught by the show by the ‘I am’ Consciousness now!

Primary miracle is the spontaneous happening of your ‘I am’ Consciousness.!

Secondary Miracle is the spontaneous happening of entire manifestations such as world, Cosmos, Universe in your ‘ I am’ Consciousness simultaneously…!

Third miracle is Consciousness being deceived by its own reflected images as real… as it does not know itself.!

Through out the waking state these miracles by ‘ I am’ Consciousness go on due to the play of five elements…

Final miracle is …the world disappearing with the disappearance of ‘ I am’ Consciousness….!

This miracle is endless and deception too endless…till Consciousness knows Its Supreme Source.!

Consciousness not knowing itself is the greatest miracle..!

Once your Consciousness is Awakened, then you are free from this dreamy Existence and know your Supreme Truth beyond manifested Existence.

Till then you are caught by this dreamy world and its show as more real….. Unknowingly..!

When are you going to wake up from this Non existing dreamy world which appears to exist?

Better start waking up at least now….!