You Are Already That

Beloved GM, I remain conscious but somehow I am caught by thoughts…How?

September 7, 2022 | 391 views


You need not maintain Consciousness.

It is Here Always.!

Just settle Here and you will know the peace which is infinite…!

You can never miss the peace.

The Entire space is filled with peace only.

Whether your eyes are open or not…peace is here.!

Initially, you need to close your eyes to realize the peace within.

Once you know the peace within, you remain peaceful in spite of any outside happenings.

None of the Happenings are You.!

You are prior to all happenings.!

Nothing has ever Happened to You.!

How you are connected to any happenings?

Only through Consciousness.

You are always in Your Original Supreme state only.!

So find out What this Consciousness is!

How to find it out?

You know that ‘You Exist’ without words….!

That is stillness.

Abide in this stillness….
And know..!

‘You say you are caught by thoughts’…how?

Where do thoughts happen?
If you are not conscious of yourself can thoughts exist?

Only in your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness thoughts appear and move…and disappear too…!

But for your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness there is neither the world nor any thoughts here in space.

Instead of worrying about how you are caught by thoughts …

Better focus your total attention on your ‘I amness’ Consciousness…in stillness beyond words.

You are trapped by thoughts only…when you are not conscious of yourself…!

Once you are conscious…you will not be trapped by thoughts…

Rather you observe thoughts and make use of thoughts….if needed… or simply ignore them….!

As you prevail prior to thoughts and know … thoughts are not you.!

Consciousness is your Master!

It guides you! Just now.!

Abide in stillness and know.!