Beloved GM, to know the present moment itself is real or not is awakening of the dream… Can you explain on this gm?
December 7, 2022 |
First, you must know what is this dream?
Dream is nothing but the perceived objects moving in space.
Dream appears true as long as the perception is there.
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Beloved GM, Can you please clear this mind oriented common question…. How to permanently quit from old habits ( like liquor, chewing tobacco, smoking cigars etc.,)?
November 30, 2022 |
What are you now?
Are you the mind?
What is mind?
Where does the mind exist?
First, be clear of What you are now.
I say ' You are
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Beloved GM, I am nothing… I feel and see now. So, am I behind all that?
November 25, 2022 |
You are not behind all that you perceive!
Know this!
You are prior to all that appear and happen!
You, the Observer, prevail forever here!
You have no beginning
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Beloved gm, there is Nothing to care about? Body, thoughts, feelings, perception etc.. because they aren’t me. I am nothing, I perceive, Isn’t it?
November 23, 2022 |
Form, thoughts, and feelings are certainly not you!
Where do they all happen?
Can they happen when you are not Conscious of yourself?
They all happen in your 'I
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Beloved GM, I tried to be observer but I invariably end up doing lot of imagination. Could you please clarify?
November 19, 2022 |
You need not try to be the Observer...
As you are already the Observer prior to Consciousness!
Trying to be the Observer is like a rose flower trying to
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Beloved GM, Are there any objects really? There isn’t a tangible object, isn’t it? You call it unreal. Just like in the dream. I saw an elephant in my dream last night. The elephant obviously doesn’t exist. Or unreal? In the dream it appeared real. But it is not true. Similarly, even in the waking state whatever we see is unreal. Is the unreal the same unreal as the Elephant in my dream? All there was in my dream last night was my consciousness and its play. Isn’t it the same in the waking state as well?
November 16, 2022 |
GM: Every matter is Nothing but a reflection of light only.
Light is reflected as all objects perceived in space.
But for light there is no object in space!
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Dear GM, I cannot relax till I know this Consciousness and also, I feel I will know Consciousness only through relaxation. Am I right?
November 12, 2022 |
Are you not Consciousness now?
Can this question arise if you are not Conscious?
This question shows that you are not Conscious of yourself.
Then what are you doing
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Dear GM, ‘You say Don’t bother about Others’, ‘Don’t Interfere with the Worldly Events’, What is the Secret behind it for my Inner Journey?
November 9, 2022 |
Your question clearly indicates that you hold yourself to be a person not knowing the Consciousness within without which neither your presence nor the world can be known.
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Beloved GM, It seems unless one is totally into this journey it is not possible. Is it so ?
November 7, 2022 |
With what Identity you are asking this?
Certainly at the personality level only!
It is your 'I am ness' Consciousness that undertakes this journey towards its source.
Your Consciousness
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Beloved GM, I am reading your messages and understand, the next day it is gone, again I have to start from beginning, why so?
November 2, 2022 |
I am not giving any Scripture to read.
I take you beyond words.
I say ' Close your eyes!
And know the peace within!'
This Stillness is the beginning
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