You Are Already That

Beloved gm, there is Nothing to care about? Body, thoughts, feelings, perception etc.. because they aren’t me. I am nothing, I perceive, Isn’t it?

November 23, 2022 | 314 views


Form, thoughts, and feelings are certainly not you!

Where do they all happen?

Can they happen when you are not Conscious of yourself?

They all happen in your ‘I amness’ Consciousness only just now!

But are they real is my question?

They cannot be real as they appear and disappear in your Consciousness!

There is nothing to care about – is your question ..

With what Identity you are asking this?

Certainly at the form level identity only!

Where does your form appear?

Is it not in your ‘I amness’ Consciousness just now?

In your Consciousness only they all happen.

Your consciousness creates all such things!

Your Consciousness knows to respond consciously to whatever it perceives.

Once you are conscious of yourself, you will not remain careless…!

But more conscious of whatever you perceive and whatever you do!

Once you are conscious of yourself!

You know that all actions are spontaneously by Consciousness itself!

You know you only Observe!

Once you Observe, you are free from all that you perceive!

I am nothing, I perceive – is your question.


You are the Absolute!

Just now!

You are not what you perceive!

Just now!

You are the perceiver!

Know this!

You are already the Observer prior to Consciousness just now!

But you are caught by the consciousness play within space accepting all as more real as you do not know what this Consciousness is!

You are prior to Consciousness!

You, the observer is the source of Consciousness!

How can you get caught by the Consciousness play within space?

It is exactly like how you accept the dream in sleep as real…

Only upon waking up you know that it is not real… not while perceiving the dream…

Though you are the observer of all that happen within space, your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness by accepting itself as a tiny form within space accepts the dream form as more real…

Hence whatever it perceives appear more real!

Once your Consciousness is Conscious of itself through stillness it starts waking up from the form dream and knows its unreality as a form within space.

At the form level, your I am ness’ Consciousness accepts all events and happenings as more real within space as all forms happen only in space with limitations.

Once Consciousness knows its formless nature

beyond limitations,

beyond space,

beyond movement,

beyond time,

beyond words…

Then it knows the light within and knows entire manifestations within space are just a reflection of light only ..not real…

Exactly a dream… all forms are only a dream forms including your form…

There is not even an iota of reality in whatever perceived within space…

Your consciousness merges in its source and transcends itself and knows that it is already an observer only observing all that happen within space like seeing a movie reflected on a screen!

Whatever reflected within space is not real but a dream!

But the observer is prior to dream!

You are already That!

Know this