You Are Already That

Beloved GM, I am reading your messages and understand, the next day it is gone, again I have to start from beginning, why so?

November 2, 2022 | 337 views


I am not giving any Scripture to read.

I take you beyond words.

I say ‘ Close your eyes!

And know the peace within!’

This Stillness is the beginning of your ‘I amness’  Consciousness!

You say You have to start from the beginning…..

I say ‘ Everything begins from your Consciousness only’

There is nothing here other than your Consciousness!

Your statement indicates your functioning at a personality level !

I say in your ‘I amness’  Consciousness only the entire manifestation functions just now!

You say, You have to start from the beginning….

To start what? Consciousness?

Can you start your Consciousness?

Do you try to start your Consciousness?

This means you put effort to be Conscious!

Don’t you know that you exist?

Without words just now?

Effortlessly you are Conscious Only….

First you are Conscious of Yourself!

In your ‘I amness’  Consciousness only the entire manifestation happens just now!

To be conscious you need not make any effort.

Know you Exist Always …

In your Consciousness, only everything appears to happen just now!

You can forget everything …

But you cannot forget yourself.


Yourself contains all !

You know that you Exist!

You need not ask anyone whether you exist or not?

Your conscious presence is self evident!

Just settle in your ‘I amness’ stillness without words and know!

This ‘I am’ is not a word but beyond words.

It is Your direct knowing.

You can forget anything but not yourself!

Still, You say, You have to start from the beginning…

You cannot start anything as everything is spontaneously happening by your Consciousness!

To know this you need to abide in stillness constantly!

Efforts are not needed either to abide in stillness or to Observe silently!

Understand this at least now.

Do you?

To know this you need to abide in stillness constantly!

Efforts are not needed either to abide in stillness or to Observe silently!

Know this at least Now.

Will you?