You Are Already That


Beloved GM, What is the purpose of life?

January 6, 2022 | 283 views |

GM: The purpose of your existence here is to know your Supreme richness beyond birth and death! To know this Ultimate truth, your Consciousness sleeping through personality identity needs to

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Beloved GM, what is the source of Consciousness?

January 6, 2022 | 233 views |

GM: First know! You are conscious of yourself at present. In your ' I am ness' Consciousness only this question happens! But you never know that you are conscious only

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Your Consciousness is now trapped by personality with imposed labels! Can you explain on this GM?

January 5, 2022 | 302 views |

GM: What are you now? Are you not conscious of yourself now? Do you ever know that you are Consciousness only at present? Your consciousness accepts itself as a form

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January 5, 2022 | 287 views |

GM: YOU DO NOTHING ! You never do anything. All by Consciousness itself ! You only observe ! You do nothing.... Breathing, heartbeat, blood circulation, enzymatic reactions, metabolic activities needed

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January 5, 2022 | 395 views |

GM: Non dual - advaitha - "I am That" ! Duality - I am different, God is different. To know your Supreme truth - advaitha, You need to dive deep

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January 4, 2022 | 304 views |

GM: Space is created by your Consciousness only just now! Entire manifestation is happening in your ' I am ness'  only just now! Total functioning of entire manifestation is by

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Beloved GM, What is “Non Dual” ? In what way this Non dual teaching helps me?

January 4, 2022 | 329 views |

GM: I, the Absolute alone prevail here forever! I am unchanging, unmoving, ever present! I am total, complete and perfect already! I am indescribable, beyond words.... I am unmoving, beyond

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January 4, 2022 | 360 views |

GM: When Your Consciousness identifies itself as a tiny form with a fixed label, it accepts it is separate from the world unknowingly! Once your Consciousness is conscious of itself,

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Q: Namaste GM, What is the nature of this Consciousness, why does this consciousness disappear in my deep sleep?

January 3, 2022 | 256 views |

GM:  The nature of Consciousness is Creativity..... Entire manifestation is created by your 'I am ness' Consciousness only.... Consciousness is everywhere .... it is infinite.... It knows its presence only

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January 3, 2022 | 246 views |

GM: YOUR SELF CONTAINS ALL ! You are infinite already! But you accept yourself as a finite form. By accepting the finite form as yourself you see the other forms

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