You Are Already That


January 7, 2022 | 316 views

GM: Whatever appearances that happen in a waking state or dream state are nothing but a play of elements!

Spontaneously elements interact and forms are created.

Whether it is a dream in sleep or waking state, all that appears are nothing but a play of elements by Consciousness itself!

The mind does not exist.
That does not exist cannot create too.

Entire creations
Both living and non living within space are by Consciousness itself

Your ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness only creates spontaneously.

In your ‘I am ness’ only just now forms are created!

What is a form?

Is it not made up of elements?

Where does elements happen?

Is it not in your consciousness?

Just now in your Consciousness, only entire manifestations happens!

If you are not Conscious, where is any form? Or any manifested objects.?

First, you are conscious of ‘ yourself’!

In your Consciousness , entire manifestations happen simultaneously!

Your consciousness and world, cosmos, universe all forms are not separate.

Without Consciousness, nothing is created here!

Consciousness is the base of all creations…

Nature of consciousness itself is creation only.

Consciousness creates space, air, fire, water and earth spontaneously.

Every form that appears too is created by Consciousness itself!
All Elements are also by Consciousness only!
Only elements interact with various combinations of permutations and forms of various shapes are created just now.

Light is Consciousness!

But for light, there is neither elements nor any forms….with different shapes…

Just now in your light of consciousness only all forms appear, function and disappear too..

Similarly, in your sleep, a small of ray of light happens spontaneously and forms are created which you call as a dream.

The mind does not exist!

Only thoughts appear to disappear!


In your Consciousness only!

Entire creation is by spontaneous play of elements in Consciousness..

whether it is a dream state or waking state….
Know this!
Know you never do anything!

All by consciousness itself.
You only observe!
Just Now!

You are always the observer of consciousness and its contents.

The observer remain unbothered about the perceived!

You are That!

Whenever you remain bothered whether it is a waking state or dream state….
It shows that you are yet to know
What this Consciousness is!

Which plays the trick and make you believe all are real!

It is better that your consciousness wakes up at the earliest and know its immense beauty beyond boundaries.

Till you wake up from the dream by consciousness, you are stuck at the form level and remain disturbed only.

Nothing Never Happens Here!
You are already in your supreme richness!

Whatever that happens within space is by consciousness only.

You are beyond consciousness just now!

Just observe Silently wake up!

Whether forms are real!

You are more than form. Just Now!

You have no boundary.

You are infinite!

See how you are caught by the dream called form?

Close your eyes….
Know your unlimited potential!

You are ever present here!