You Are Already That

Beloved GM, What is the purpose of life?

January 6, 2022 | 349 views

GM: The purpose of your existence here is to know your Supreme richness beyond birth and death!

To know this Ultimate truth, your Consciousness sleeping through personality identity needs to know that it is Consciousness only and not a person.

First be conscious of yourself!

Free yourself from the personality identity!

Then, you are relieved from personality identity and remain joyful!

By remaining joyful your Consciousness,starts closing eyes and knows the peace within!

By abiding in stillness within, your Consciousness knows that it is the source of entire manifestations within space….

Still further, your ‘I amness’Consciousness constantly abides in stillness and transcends itself and knows the source within and declares that it is never born!

It knows all that perceived within space are only a dream not real!

Once your Consciousness knows its source (non dual )…

where is the need for any purpose?

Every purpose is only at the duality level.

You are non dual but caught by duality show within space .

The only purpose is to know your Supreme,


Eternal nature beyond dualities.

Know atleast now!

Will you?