You Are Already That

Beloved GM, what is the source of Consciousness?

January 6, 2022 | 319 views


First know!

You are conscious of yourself at present.

In your ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness only this question happens!

But you never know that you are conscious only just now….

You are continuously trapped by all that perceived in space as real.

Your ‘I amness’  Consciousness only manifests entire cosmos, universe, world and all forms that happen in space.

This your Consciousness is yet to know!

To know this you need to close your eyes and abide within constantly in stillness beyond movement!

You see the light within! And come to know that Light is Consciousness!

In the light of Consciousness, entire manifestation is reflected in space as objects.

Now your Consciousness knows all that perceived are not real!

Your Consciousness arises out of Awareness, manifests entire cosmos, world, universe all forms including your form ….. within space.

In your ‘I amness’ only everything appears, happens and disappears too…..

In deep sleep you do not know your presence.

Only upon the arrival of Consciousness as ‘ I am ness’ you know your presence which you call as waking state….

The world appears in your Consciousness only for a shorter duration say till sleep happens!

When Consciousness disappears in sleep,world also disappears.

Your I am ness’ is known only for a shorter duration… throughout waking state….not in sleep.

Know! There is one state which prevails prior to the arrival of Consciousness!
As well even after the disappearance of Consciousness!

That which prevails forever is Awareness,
the source of your consciousness just now!

Awareness prevails prior to waking,dream and sleep states.

Awareness, the observer prevail prior to Consciousness!

Your Consciousness first accepts itself as a person unknowingly as a tiny form!

After seeing a realized it knows its beyondness by closing eyes, stabilizing in stillness constantly, transcends itself and merges totally in its source of awareness and knows its eternity beyond birth and death!

Your ‘I am ness’ initially accepts itself as a person!

Then it knows it is Consciousness only and not the form!

Further at the Conscious level it transcends itself and knows the deathlessness! Only after merging totally in its source of Awareness!

Awareness – The Source- Is Ever here!

You are That!

In awareness,  your Consciousness happens!

In Consciousness world happens!

But you are neither the Consciousness nor the form within space.

You are always the Observer, prior to Consciousness!

The source of Consciousness !

Which your consciousness is yet to know!