You Are Already That

Question & Answers

Beloved GM, you say… ‘close your eyes and know the peace within.!’ Do you mean just sitting with eyes closed and concentrating on the feeling of being here? Or you mean being aware of the awareness? Is there no mental repetition of a mantra? What am I supposed to do with eyes closed? Can you Kindly guide me?

May 23, 2023 | 178 views |

GM: By Closing eyes... you start Observing Silently... without words.!. No object inside! Just Observe without words! Observation is Total.! Beyond identifications! Only Stillness is there.! Just Observe! This Stillness

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Beloved GM Why is Consciousness distracted and always interested in Objects and Ideas?

May 19, 2023 | 185 views |

GM: Because it is conditioned itself as an object though it is beyond an object and the very source of all objects. Consciousness never knows it is Consciousness only! It

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Beloved GM, Is there a difference between Realization and Liberation? Or they all just Spiritual jargon?

May 7, 2023 | 227 views |

GM: You are Already the Absolute! You are complete and total already! So words such as realization or liberation have no meaning here! All these words are used only at

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Beloved GM, What is Personality?

May 4, 2023 | 209 views |

GM: Know! You are already the Supreme...! You are formless, nameless and attributeless... You are never born...ever present...the only Reality...! You are already beyond consciousness... you do not depend on

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Beloved GM, What is the difference between Response & Reaction., To be silent & witness the activities…. Is it possible in practical life in this world?

April 24, 2023 | 283 views |

GM: Your question is at the personality level. Once you are conscious of yourself through stillness.... then you know it is possible right now! How to be conscious of yourself?

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Beloved GM, You say “Consciousness is Entertaining you Constantly.” But I see more violence happening in day today life. Is this the way of entertainment by Consciousness?

April 19, 2023 | 277 views |

GM: You see a movie on a screen... It appears to be real only. But they are Nothing but a Reflection of Light Only. Even now whatever perceived within space

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Beloved GM, You say, “That Stillness is only the beginning…” What do you mean by this? What is beyond Stillness?

April 7, 2023 | 296 views |

  GM: First know that you are Consciousness only at present.. In your 'I am ness' Consciousness only everything is perceived just now! Your Consciousness does not know that it

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Beloved GM, Why I want to know myself?

April 7, 2023 | 170 views |

GM: Certainly this question is by consciousness itself. Know, your consciousness comes to know its presence spontaneously only by morning 5 or so and functions till sleep happens. your consciousness

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Dear GM, Why is it that when a thought arises, the thought is perceived, but then it seems that something (!?) then holds on to that thought and start expanding on that thought? Does this happen because, unknowingly, there is an automatic identification with the dream image? Or, because the movement (thought) is considered real? Or does the ‘thinking’ just simply happens automatically?

March 15, 2023 | 208 views |

GM: First know that you are Consciousness only at present.! Without your Consciousness, neither your presence nor the world can be known just now.! You neither value yourself nor focus

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Beloved GM, Why this Consciousness not recognizing itself as Consciousness? Are there any traps laid down before Consciousness? and what is the source of this Consciousness? Who is sustaining it?

March 1, 2023 | 305 views |

GM: First, know... That you are only Consciousness at present. Your Consciousness never knows that it is Consciousness it is identifying itself to be a form with fixed labels...

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