You Are Already That

Beloved GM, you say… ‘close your eyes and know the peace within.!’ Do you mean just sitting with eyes closed and concentrating on the feeling of being here? Or you mean being aware of the awareness? Is there no mental repetition of a mantra? What am I supposed to do with eyes closed? Can you Kindly guide me?

May 23, 2023 | 258 views


By Closing eyes… you start Observing Silently… without words.!.

No object inside!

Just Observe without words!

Observation is Total.!

Beyond identifications!

Only Stillness is there.!

Just Observe!

This Stillness is unmoving…within…

Now you know that you are!

No word is required to know your presence!

This Stillness is the beginning of your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness.!

This Stillness is infinite…

It has no boundaries…

This Stillness indicates the light within.!

By observing the Stillness without words… constantly… your Consciousness remains wakeful without words!

Words are only for utility!

They are not you!

Stay beyond words and Observe!

Through Constant Observation, you start knowing the joy too along with peace!

Through this Peace and joy, your Consciousness remains wakeful constantly….

Without words… your Consciousness starts merging in the Source of Awareness.!

Through constant merging…
Your Consciousness wakes up Totally…and knows its Wholeness…Eternity beyond duality…

Your Consciousness knows its unborn nature prior to duality…

Your Consciousness knows that it is never born…

Whatever that appears to be born in space is nothing but an unreal dream only… and remains Total, complete, and perfect!

You mean… only Consciousness…

By waking up Totally free from the perceived duality show… it remains unconcerned about the duality show and Observes Silently…the entire play….non seriously ……

Now tell Me.!

Is it not necessary to close your eyes and know the stillness within.?
