You Are Already That

Question & Answers

GM, Can you explain, ‘Who am I’ ?

January 9, 2022 | 580 views |

  GM: You are The Ultimate Supreme! You never born, never die! You are ever present here! You are The Absolute just now!  Yet to know ! Nothing never happens

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Namasthe GM, Why I remain serious always? How to transform my seriousness into laughter?

January 8, 2022 | 490 views |

GM: What is seriousness? Why are you serious always? Don't you know what you are? Are you not conscious of yourself just now? Don't you know that only in your

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Beloved GM, I know that I have neither birth nor death. How to experience this? How to know my supreme reality? Can you explain ?

January 8, 2022 | 327 views |

GM: You are already the Supreme, beyond birth and death! Nothing has never happened to you! Now this question is at the form level by your Consciousness, as your Consciousness

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Beloved GM, I am always worried and fearful about my death. How can I come out of this ?

January 8, 2022 | 409 views |

GM: With what Identity are you asking this question? Certainly, at the personality level only. Do you ever know that you are never born, never die? This is the Absolute

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GM, What is the role of knowledge in this travel towards inner being?

January 8, 2022 | 350 views |

GM: Knowledge is needed only to communicate in this outer world. To go inward you don't require any knowledge. Knowledge is only to know things apart from you! To know

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There is only Consciousness in the dream, correct GM?

January 7, 2022 | 276 views |

GM: What is a dream? Is it not the appearances moving here and there? How do they appear? Do you make any effort? All the appearances and their movements are

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Beloved GM, Though I am part of Universal Consciousness to realize the truth worldly thoughts are barriers. Are world and Myself different?

January 7, 2022 | 296 views |

GM: Again you are blaming thoughts are preventing your realization. Where do thoughts exist? Can they exist if you are not conscious? Instead of worrying about thoughts worry about your

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Beloved GM, Why is Consciousness distracted and always interested in objects and ideas?

January 7, 2022 | 386 views |

GM: Because it is conditioned itself as an object though it is beyond the object and the very source of all objects. Consciousness never knows it is Consciousness only! It

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Beloved GM, Is this journey joyful or a tough one to know the truth?

January 7, 2022 | 268 views |

GM: This is a very joyful journey, Journey where you are one with the whole existence.... Flowers blossoming.... Rivers running..... Birds chirping.... All for you only.. Whole existence is dancing.....for

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‘Just be! ‘- GM, Can you explain on this?

January 6, 2022 | 360 views |

GM: Just be means simply Observe.... Without Involvement. As your Consciousness identifies all as real it goes on identifying and manipulating endlessly without rest. You are already the Observer only

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