You Are Already That

Question & Answers

Beloved GM, What do you Mean by Exactly… “Nothing Never Happens Here!” Could you please say something about it?

March 13, 2022 | 629 views |

GM: Now your Consciousness is asking clarification for this statement that Nothing never Happens! As it is yet to wake up totally to know this! Now you know that you

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Beloved GM, Does Consciousness get bored?

March 6, 2022 | 712 views |

GM: With what Identity you are asking this? What are you now? Do you know that you are conscious only at present? How do you know that you exist? Can

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Beloved GM, What is Personality?

February 27, 2022 | 683 views |

GM: Know! You are already the Supreme...! You are formless, nameless and attributeless....! You are never born...ever present...the only Reality...! You are already beyond do not depend on Consciousness...!

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Beloved GM, Why I am always doing research about others? And take all to be more real?

February 25, 2022 | 445 views |

GM: This question is at the personality level. Once you are Conscious, there is nothing called the other. There are never any persons. All by Consciousness itself. Whatever research done

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Beloved GM, Realized one like you, how to mingle or manage with world level activities?

February 25, 2022 | 467 views |

GM: Nothing is separate from Me! I don't find any divisions here as All are Myself only! I remain quiet! I know what is happening around me in this world....!

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“To know the present moment itself is real or not, is awakening of the dream…” Can you explain on this gm?

February 25, 2022 | 403 views |

GM:  First you must know what is this dream? Dream is nothing but the perceived objects moving in space. Dream appears true as long as the perception is there. All

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Beloved GM, To know my Birthless state…. Is there any way here?

February 21, 2022 | 441 views |

GM: Right now you are beyond birth! You are yet to know this! Right now you are beyond Consciousness! You are yet to know this! You are not aware of

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Beloved GM, why Consciousness happens?

February 16, 2022 | 341 views |

GM: This you need to investigate. This question is by Consciousness itself. Universal consciousness is always here but it knows its presence only through a physical form. But for form,

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Beloved GM, Is courage needed to know myself?

February 16, 2022 | 456 views |

GM: Certainly! Unless you are courageous you cannot know yourself! What is courage? It is not fighting with the opponent vehemently.... That is at the personality level. At the conscious

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Beloved GM, If all are unreal, why do they happen?

February 16, 2022 | 339 views |

GM: With What identity you are asking this Question? Your question is at the personality level. How do you know it is not real? Only upon waking up Consciously.... Till

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