You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Does Consciousness get bored?

March 6, 2022 | 692 views

GM: With what Identity you are asking this?

What are you now?

Do you know that you are conscious only at present?

How do you know that you exist?

Can you know anything at all without your Consciousness?

Do you ever know what this Consciousness is?

Do you ever know where all that perceived as manifested objects appear ?

Do you ever know that ….without your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness neither your presence can be known nor the world or cosmos here?

Do you know that without your Consciousness there is nothing here in space?

Do you know that everything begins from your’ I am ness’…and ends up in ‘I am ness’   Consciousness only?

Do you ever know that your ‘I am ness’ itself is by Consciousness only?

Do you know that in your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness only everything is created just now ..?

Do you know that in your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness only everything is happening now?

Do you ever know that in your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness only everything disappears now?

Do you ever know that your Consciousness is infinite …beyond boundaries now?

Do you ever know that your consciousness is prior to manifestation now?
Do you know that your Consciousness is prior to movements now?

Do you ever know that your consciousness is prior to space now?

Do you know that the space itself appears only in your Consciousness just now?

Do you ever know that your Consciousness is Prior to all forms…….including your form?

Do you know that your Consciousness is prior to time?

Do you ever know that every form is by Consciousness itself and there are no persons here?

Only conscious forms … in space!

You never know that you are Consciousness only at present…and not the form!

Your Consciousness only uses the form!

When all actions are by Consciousness itself …and no person here….who is getting bored?

You never know that your ‘I am ness’ is Consciousness only at present…beyond words ..beyond movements…!

Having known that your Consciousness is beyond time….can this question be asked?  

Does Consciousness get bored?

Your asking this question clearly indicates that you are yet to be conscious of  yourself  through stillness!

Your Consciousness is beyond time!

Can your Consciousness get caught by time?

Once your consciousness gets caught by time it clearly indicates that it is not conscious of itself and trapped by personality with imposed labels and concepts unknowingly!

Your Consciousness is timelessness!

Your Consciousness pervades everywhere just now within space!

Movements happen in your Consciousness!

But you are not the movement!

Time happens in your Consciousness!

But you are not the time….which moves…

Each and every movement is New and fresh…. happening spontaneously just now….in your Consciousness… Say.

Your Heartbeat ….. Breathing…….

Metabolic activities….

All enzymatic activities…and Circulatory system….

Every movement is spontaneously going on by your Consciousness….!

Do you make any effort for the above?

They all just happen !

When everything is by Consciousness itself and all happen spontaneously just now ..and there is nothing called past or future actions…and every action is only …Now…!

Who is the one who gets bored ?

Tell me!

Are you a person?

First know you are only Consciousness at present…..!

Your ‘I am ness’ is not a person but Conscious presence itself in totality Here..Now..!

Enough of sleeping through form identity as a person..!

Better wake up and know you are only conscious at present..!

It is your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness which needs to wake up totally to know its Supreme source beyond duality…

Enough of your ignorance as a person!

Know your Consciousness is the source of all that perceived here in space !

Live like an Emperor!

Never fall back to the personality level!

Better get back to your original Source at the earliest by being Conscious of yourself consistently!