You Are Already That

Question & Answers

Beloved GM, are my birth, my profession, all my activities… including death happen as per preordain? Are all that happen as per my previous karma? I am more confused about this. Can you clarify?

February 15, 2022 | 505 views |

GM: My question :   who is born? What is karma? What is a form? Where does all exist? What are you? Whatever perceived is real or unreal? Were you born?

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Beloved GM, Denying the form, Using the form – Which one is correct ?

February 11, 2022 | 573 views |

GM: Where does the form exist now? Is it not in your 'I am ness' Consciousness just now? But for your Consciousness can the form exist? First, you are conscious

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Beloved GM, “Mind to No Mind” – this journey is Possible?

February 6, 2022 | 782 views |

GM: There is nothing called mind! Only thoughts appear to disappear! Where do thoughts appear? Can you know thoughts when you are no more conscious of yourself? How do you

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Beloved GM, How to make my life Outwardly Rich and also Inwardly Rich? Is there any secret…? Kindly explain!

February 6, 2022 | 720 views |

GM: What do you mean by richness? Is it to possess something greater than the other? Here in space no one is rich ! No one is poor! Richness with

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Beloved GM, What is subject and object here? Am I the subject or the object? What am I exactly?

January 29, 2022 | 438 views |

GM: Your 'I am ness' Consciousness is your subject! Only in your 'I am ness' everything appears now! But for your 'I am ness' there is neither manifestations nor any objects

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GM, What is the real challenge in this inner journey towards knowing the Ultimate truth?

January 25, 2022 | 509 views |

GM: At the highest level, there is nothing called challenge here! As you are already the Supreme! Non dual! Challenge is only at the duality level! Your fall begins with

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Beloved GM….you say ‘the Observer is not the observed!’ …can you explain on this?

January 21, 2022 | 709 views |

GM: You take the Observer to be the Observed.....that is why you need explanation for this. What is observed here in space? Just appearances and their movements.... only... From where

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GM, Why I am unable to know the stillness within and always disturbed by the happenings over the screen?

January 17, 2022 | 459 views |

GM: You are disturbed by the screen happenings as you are yet to know the stillness within. Once you know the stillness, then you will not ask such questions. What

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GM, How to Observe in case of severe pain? Kindly clarify!

January 10, 2022 | 310 views |

GM: What is pain? Pain is at the form level. What is a form? Is it not made up of zillions of cells. How cells are made? Is it not

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Beloved GM, How to control thoughts?

January 9, 2022 | 358 views |

GM: Thoughts are not you! They are just movements within space. Thoughts do not have a dwelling place. They simply move.... When thoughts are not you, why do you bother?

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