You Are Already That

Question & Answers

Beloved GM, I am reading your messages and understand, the next day it is gone, Again I have to start from beginning, why so?

January 5, 2024 | 560 views |

GM: I am not giving any Scripture to read. I take you beyond words. I say ' close your eyes!  And know the peace within!' This stillness is the beginning

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Beloved GM, I tried to be Observer but I invariably end up doing lot of imagination…! Kindly explain.

December 2, 2023 | 377 views |

GM: You need not try to be the you are already the Observer prior to Consciousness! Trying to be the Observer is like a rose flower trying to be

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Beloved GM, To know the present moment itself is real or not is awakening of the dream… Can you explain on this gm?

November 8, 2023 | 289 views |

GM: First you must know what is this dream! The dream is nothing but the perceived objects moving in space. The dream appears true as long as the perception is

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Beloved GM, Why I am always doing research about others? And take all to be more real?

November 8, 2023 | 285 views |

GM: This question is at the personality level. Once you are Conscious, there is nothing called the other. There are never any persons. All by Consciousness itself. Whatever research is

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Beloved GM, Sometimes I feel Emptiness…. This is because of Consciousness or Aloneness?

November 8, 2023 | 187 views |

GM: Emptiness of what? You see all forms in your consciousness as manifestations. when you close your eyes, you see nothing inside. Do you mean this as emptiness? This is

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Beloved GM, Though I am part of Universal Consciousness to realize the truth worldly thoughts are barriers. Are world and Myself different?

November 8, 2023 | 181 views |

GM: Again you are blaming thoughts are preventing your realization. Where do thoughts exist? Can they exist if you are not conscious? Instead of worrying about thoughts worry about your

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Q: Beloved GM, You say Consciousness neither born nor dies….. But Consciousness arises from awareness and merges back in awareness….. How come you say it is neither born nor dies?

October 19, 2023 | 212 views |

GM: You, the Absolute Never born, Ever present here! You come to know your presence only upon the arrival of Consciousness as 'I am ness' . In your Consciousness only

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Beloved GM, Is everything predetermined within duality?

September 23, 2023 | 240 views |

GM: Duality itself is a spontaneous happening... In duality, everything appears and disappears at an unexplainable speed... Further, the manifested duality in space itself is nothing but a spontaneous reflection

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Beloved GM, What is the Nature of this Consciousness, Why this Consciousness disappear in my deep sleep?

September 14, 2023 | 170 views |

GM: The nature of Consciousness is Creativity....! Entire manifestation is created by your 'I am ness' Consciousness only....! Consciousness is everywhere ... it is infinite... It knows its presence only

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Beloved GM, If the purpose of coming to this dream world is to know the Consciousness that you are the universe, then why I come from the universe?

September 4, 2023 | 188 views |

GM: You Never come Here!  You are Ever Here. You are the Absolute just Now! Consciousness happens out of the elemental interaction and knows itself as 'I am' within a

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