You Are Already That

Beloved GM, Are my birth, my profession, all my activities.. including death happen as per pre ordain? Are all that happen as per my previous karma? I am more confused about this. Can you clarify?

August 7, 2023 | 255 views |

GM: My question is... who is born? What is karma? What is a form? Where does all exist? What are you? Whatever perceived is real or unreal? Were you born?

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Beloved GM, If all are Unreal, Why do they happen?

August 7, 2023 | 166 views |

GM: With What identity you are asking this Question? Your question is at the personality level. How do you know it is not real? Only upon waking up Consciously.... Till

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Beloved GM, Is self only the by product of mind ?

July 17, 2023 | 176 views |

GM:  You know that you exist just now... This knowing your presence is only out of the Self within.! Self... Consciousness! In deep sleep, you are not conscious of your

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Beloved GM, What is freedom?

July 14, 2023 | 160 views |

GM: Freedom from what? Real freedom is to be with Yourself. You are already free Inwardly! No one can enter your inner kingdom to enslave you! Your inner treasure contains

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Beloved GM, Why I am more involved in collecting things and accumulating things endlessly?

July 14, 2023 | 236 views |

GM: You never... never... know what ' you are! ' exactly! That is why going on accumulating things and spending entire lifetime only on this! Your accumulating things itself shows

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There is only Consciousness in the dream, correct gm?

June 28, 2023 | 166 views |

GM: What is a dream? Is it not the appearances moving here and there? How do they appear? Do you make any effort? All the appearances and their movements are

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