You Are Already That

Your Consciousness is Infinite.!

April 7, 2023 | 681 views

First, know that you are Conscious of yourself!

In your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness only everything appears…happens and disappears too…

Where does all form exist?

Can any form exist when you are not Conscious of yourself?

You come to know your existence as ‘I am ness’ only due to Consciousness within just now.!

This Consciousness is prior to Manifestation within space!

When all forms in space are by your Consciousness….tell me…which is separate from yourself just now?

What is a form?
Is it not made of zillions and zillions of cells just now?

Each and every cell is by Consciousness itself!

Consciousness is light!
Out of light of Consciousness only due to spontaneous interaction of elements…all objects whether living or non living…happens just now.!

Your Consciousness is yet to know that it is Consciousness only at present!

Unknowingly your Consciousness is accepting itself as a form….though it is prior to form….not knowing that all forms happen out of it just now.!

Your Consciousness is infinite!
How your Consciousness is trapped by finite form level identities?

Because it is yet to know that it is Consciousness only at present!

There are no persons here!

All by Consciousness itself.!

Till your Consciousness knows its infinite potential beyond limitations…
It is trapped by this kind of form level dream as it accepts itself to be separate from the whole manifestation.

It is better that your Consciousness knows its infinity beyond Manifestations By abiding in stillness Consistently.!

Till then no remedy at the personality level!

Your Consciousness sleeping through the personality needs to wake up Consciously to know its Unborn Eternity and also that nothing never happens to it…
Whatever that appear or happen are only a dream happenings and not real!

The very survival of the form depends on breathing…
This breathing itself happens spontaneously just now.!

No effort is needed to breath…
Effortlessly it is going on… space, every movement is going on spontaneously by the elemental play..

Whatever necessary for the survival of the form is provided by the Consciousness itself….

All that needed at present is to be Conscious of yourself.!

Your Consciousness is the Master!
Your Consciousness guides you!
Your Consciousness responds to the need of the moment!

Know the Consciousness within.!
Rest happens.!

Only by going inwardly your Consciousness knows itself.!

By staying outwardly…it is continuously stuck at the imposed concepts level…and struggles as it is not Conscious of itself!

Close your eyes!
Know the Stillness within.!

Tell me.!
What is here other than your Conscious presence?

🪷🌺🪷 GM🪷🌺🪷