You Are Already That


January 5, 2022 | 340 views



You never do anything.

All by Consciousness itself !

You only observe !

You do nothing….

Breathing, heartbeat, blood circulation, enzymatic reactions, metabolic activities needed for survival of the form are spontaneously done by Consciousness!

Do u make any effort?

Sunrise, sunset, rain, and entire manifestations and their total functioning are also spontaneously by Consciousness.

The very base for knowing your existence
‘ I am ness’ also happens by Consciousness itself !

Have you started your Consciousness?

It just happens….

Throughout waking state,
Consciousness functions,
through all forms and
make you believe all is real.

Consciousness disappears when sleep happens!

Do you make any effort?

Right from the beginning of waking state, till the beginning of sleep,
entire manifestation, functioning and all movements are by Consciousness only.

So all by Conscious itself!

Consciousness functions through forms.

Never any person here !

So all by Consciousness itself !

Then who is the observer of all that happen?


Now do you accept that
You never do anything?
You only observe!

Consciousness arises out of awareness and merges back in awareness only!

Consciousness is dependent on awareness.

Consciousness creates forms and comes to know its existence only through the form.

Unknowingly it identifies itself as a form though it is prior to form.

By accepting the form as itself
it accepts birth and death as real

Once it meets a realized , it comes to know it is Consciousness only and not the form.

Then it starts remaining conscious of itself and knows its eternity beyond birth and death!

It finds its source once abides in stillness.

Hence abiding in stillness most essential.