You Are Already That

Beloved GM, without attachment, how to experience love with our fellow beings?(The relation must be like water on lotus leaf) But it may be a cheating to ourselves.Can you explain the reality here?

January 6, 2022 | 276 views

GM: What do you call as love?

Is it a relationship with someone?

Is love an object?

Is it not your own subject out of which entire manifestations happen just now?

Do you know that your ‘I amness’ is Consciousness only at present, out of which entire cosmos, world,

all appearances happen?

You are Consciousness only at present yet to know it as you are trapped by personality totally.

Your Consciousness accepts itself as a tiny form with fixed labels not knowing its immense beauty and infinity beyond limitations!

Consciousness is love!

Consciousness creates entire manifestations, all forms….including your form just now….

In your consciousness only your form happens just now!

But for Consciousness your form cannot happen!

Not only your form, all forms happen here out of love by Consciousness!

Question: How to experience love with our fellow beings?

This question is at the personality level.

Though you are Consciousness just now you are trapped by personality identity!

By accepting the personality as your identity you feel yourself separate from the others …..

Once you know that you are conscious only at present, you come to know that entire things perceived within space arises out of your ‘I amness’ Consciousness ….and nothing is separate from yourself just now!

You remain separate from the others at the personality level and say I love that person , this person! And start longing for love from the other… Not knowing that You are an emperor already… overflowing with unending love …already…

There is no remedy at the personality level for this sickness!

Once you know that your Consciousness contains all… Then you come to know that all forms are only conscious forms….
Every form is enriched with Consciousness…only…..

No person ever here!

All by Consciousness itself!

Then you remain calm, still and observe silently without any divisions and know love is already here !
Entire space is filled with love!

Nothing is separate from yourself!

Question is : How to experience love?

You ask this question as if you are separate and love is separate!

Only in duality experience happens.

Love is not an object to experience.

Love is your own subject just now!

Love is totally misunderstood as an object , hence this question!

Just closing eyes is enough to know the love in you!

This love is peacefulness! Beyond words!

Beyond boundaries.

Can an infinity divide itself into pieces and say I love you this much or so much?

Is love a quantity?

Is it not an infinity without boundaries?

Are you a finite object ?

Are you not an infinite ,endless subject just now? at the Conscious level.!

Your consciousness is love itself.!

can you divide yourself?

You are total, peaceful, infinite just now at the Conscious level , unknowingly you are making efforts to divide yourself as you and others….

Your fall begins at the personality level unknowingly!

See ! How you started asking ….’without attachment, it may be a cheating to ourselves.’

When everyone here appears in your Consciousness and disappears in your Consciousness….to whom are you going to attach or detach ?

But for your Consciousness no forms here ….

When all forms are by your Consciousness itself , how can you attach yourself to anything that happen here?

This question clearly indicates that you are suffering out of personality !

I can help you to be conscious of yourself so that you can know what love is at the Conscious level…

Once you know that nothing is separate from you at the Conscious level, then this question loses its value.

Close your eyes and know !

The Consciousness within…!

Stillness within…!

Love within!

Out of which entire manifestations happen just now!

Then you know the endless love and infinite joy within!