You Are Already That

Why not turn inward and know what you are exactly?

October 26, 2022 | 508 views

You are Already Consciousness only.!

Still unable to know it.

What a pathetic condition!

Your Consciousness focus its attention only outside!

Seldom your Consciousness turns inwardly.

It is very rare to turn inward as the treasure is Only Inside.

When Consciousness focuses on outer things it meets only failure…as it never knows its treasure is Inner.

That is why in spite of so much filthy richness…it remains ever frustrating.

When Consciousness turns inward, it is in the right direction towards the treasure.

Then how can it meet failure?

Only… Joy… Bliss… and Infinite Peace…!

Only a Realized can guide the Consciousness and make it turn inward.

So, I always say’ Close Your Eyes!’…

This is my Mantra.

Once your eyes are closed you are right in your destination.

Spontaneously you know…

What You are Exactly!
