You Are Already That

Namasthe GM, Why I remain serious always? How to transform my seriousness into laughter?

January 8, 2022 | 491 views

GM: What is seriousness?

Why are you serious always?

Don’t you know what you are?

Are you not conscious of yourself just now?

Don’t you know that only in your consciousness everything appears, happens and functions just now?

Having known can you remain serious about any happening here?

Once you know that all actions are spontaneously happening in your Consciousness only just now….

All happenings within space are by Consciousness itself just now….

There are never any person here and the entire functioning of total manifestation is by your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness itself just now…..

Can your consciousness remain serious about any spontaneous happening just now?

Your breathing happens just now spontaneously by your Consciousness…

Can you remain serious about breathing now?

Your heartbeat is going on spontaneously by your Consciousness… just now….

Can you remain serious about it?

Entire metabolic activities are spontaneously happening just now…..

Can you remain serious about it?

Seriousness is a disease!

By accepting yourself as a tiny form with fixed labels you remain serious always.

Your Consciousness is conditioned at the personality level.

Your Consciousness is infinite,

By confining itself as a finite form,

It accepts other forms are different from it.

Hence it remains serious always not knowing that all forms are conscious forms only within space and nothing is alien to it.

Once your Consciousness is Conscious of itself, it remains free from imposed personality and remain free from all imposed labels and starts enjoying its presence wherever it is …..

Consciousness is joyfulness!

when Conscious is not Conscious of itself, it accepts itself as a personality and remains serious as it is attaching itself to all that is perceived in space.

Once conscious is conscious of itself by closing eyes and going inward to know the stillness within….
it starts waking up….
and remain joyful endlessly….
As it knows that the inner treasure is within and not outside.

Seriousness is a sickness!

The only medicine to this sickness’ is to be conscious of yourself.

Seriousness is stressful!

Non seriousness is joyful!

Seriousness is due to identification!

Non seriousness is beyond identification!

Seriousness is a struggle!
Consciousness gives clarity!

Seriousness is not you!


In your Consciousness only everything appears, happens just now!

You are an emperor just now!

Without your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness world cannot happen!

Having known this can you remain serious?

Once you are conscious of yourself and abide in stillness within…

Then you remain non serious and nothing affects you as now you know that your stillness contains the seed of entire manifestation outside.

You don’t know what you are exactly!

That is why you remain serious always!

When everything is spontaneously happening in your Consciousness, who is the Observer of all that happen in space?

You are That!

You are the Observer, prior to Consciousness and its contents.

You the observer, neither born nor die!

You only Observe!

You never do anything!

You, the Observer prevail here forever!

Nothing has never happened to you!

Whatever that appear to happen in space is not real!

Only a dream happening!

This your consciousness comes to know by abiding in stillness constantly and by transcending itself it knows its source, the Absolute!

Once Consciousness knows that nothing never happens here in space,
Whatever perceived are not real, only a dream…..

Can it remain serious anymore?

Once your Consciousness knows its endless peace and infinite joy and knows it is never born….

Can it remain serious?

Whether seriousness or non seriousness both belong to Conscious field…

Where is seriousness or non seriousness to that which is never born?

You are That – Non dual.

Know this!