You Are Already That

GM, What is the role of knowledge in this travel towards inner being?

January 8, 2022 | 351 views

GM: Knowledge is needed only to communicate in this outer world.

To go inward you don’t require any knowledge.

Knowledge is only to know things apart from you!

To know your presence what knowledge do you require now?

Don’t you know that you exist…?
Just now.

This knowing  ‘I am ness’ without words is enough to know your supreme reality!

Your inner being is ever here!

It is beyond form!

It is beyond words!

It is beyond movement!

To know this you don’t require any knowledge!

All your gathered knowledge are just words…

To go beyond words , do you need words?

Can that wordless state be known through words?

Your inner being is beyond movement!

To know this can you travel?

Is movement required to know the unmoving reality?

Just close your eyes now!

You contain the space within.

The source of the entire manifestation is within!

The source is consciousness!

Consciousness is within.

It is your  ‘I am ness’ Consciousness!

You know that  ‘you exist’ without words!

Do you need any words to know your presence?

This knowing ‘I am ness’ without words is the only true knowledge, the self knowledge.

This knowledge ‘I am’ without words, this ‘I am ness’ Consciousness is more than enough to know your Ultimate potential.

First, you are conscious of yourself as ‘I am ness….!

In your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness only every knowledge is received in space.

Your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness is the base without which there is neither the world nor any forms.

Once you know this, you start giving importance to your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness within….to know your highest potential within.

Knowledge of the world is only for utility.
They are not you!
Your direct knowing, your ‘I am ness Consciousness is more than enough as it contains the seed of entire manifestation within just now.

Knowledge collected in space is only for utility within space!

When there is not even an iota of truth within space,

what knowledge can help you to know your ultimate reality beyond space?

Knowledge depends on space !

Truth is beyond space!

Can you know that truth which is beyond space , beyond words through knowledge gathered within space?

Knowledge is dual!

You are non dual!
You can know your Ultimate truth only through your
‘I am ness Consciousness within just now without words.

Close your eyes now!
Know the peace within!
Abide in stillness!
And know!

Can you?