You Are Already That

Namasthe GM, What is the purpose of this website?

December 31, 2021 | 439 views


The Entire humanity is suffering through personality, not knowing its immense beauty beyond dualities. To make them aware that ‘you are already That Supreme!’, these teachings are the need of the hour.

To share the truth about the Absolute, this Non dual teachings by gm are posted here!

gm says, that nobody never born, nobody dies! Then what are we exactly?

To know, Whether we are awake or asleep or yet to awake these teachings will be of immense use to every sincere seeker around the globe.

gm says,

you are the Absolute already!
You prevail prior to Consciousness!
You are in your Supreme state Already!

Yet we miss our true nature here….
By not knowing what we are exactly!

To know how we miss our Supreme reality upon the arrival of Consciousness.
gm’s teachings simply wakes up our Consciousness within just now!

The purpose of this website is only to make you aware of your Supreme richness just now!

In what way does this teaching differ from others?

gm talks only on Consciousness and its nature and how this Consciousness is missing itself by not knowing itself as well why it should know itself and how it completes its journey by knowing its source and becomes wholeness!

Certainly, these teachings by gm are a milestone now, in this fast moving world where all run without knowing what we are ….

Is this Teaching very tough or Easy?

This is the easiest teaching possible as we need not go anywhere in search of the truth within just now!
You need not move out anywhere to know the truth!
You need not spend money to know the truth.
Truth is not outside but within just now.
Just closing eyes is enough to know your Supreme truth within.
These teachings are of immense help to every sincere seeker to enter inwardly!