You Are Already That

Beloved GM, What is “Non Dual” ? In what way this Non dual teaching helps me?

January 4, 2022 | 466 views


I, the Absolute alone prevail here forever!

I am unchanging, unmoving, ever present!

I am total, complete and perfect already!

I am indescribable, beyond words….

I am unmoving, beyond all movements!

I am ever in my eternity beyond birth and death.

I am beyond duality.

I am the source of innumerable lights of lights….. indescribable….

I am the source of light itself!

Nothing never happens to Me!

I am non dual!

Spontaneously, a speck of light arises out of Me as Consciousness and it knows its presence as ‘ I am ness’ through the form created in space just now!

Here with this arrival of ‘I am ness’… Duality begins!

With the beginning of this, I amness’ entire manifestation happens including universe,cosmos, world and all forms!

This consciousness knowing itself as
‘I am’ through the form now starts identifying itself as a form though it is prior to form just now….

By accepting itself as a form Consciousness accepts it is born and has a constant fear of death too…

Now, this Consciousness is trapped by personality with imposed labels, taking all to be real.

Consciousness happens out of Me!

The play at the form level goes on within space by Consciousness itself right from waking till sleep happens.

Consciousness never knows that the entire manifestation arises out of it! ( speck of light).

Not knowing that whatever perceived in space are only its own reflection as objects!

Since Consciousness does not know it is light only right now, it accepts the entire reflection in space as real.

Till it meets a realized who has known what this Consciousness is and who knows the source of Consciousness is Awareness!
It is stumbling at the form level ( duality).

The question is ‘ In what way this Non dual teaching helps me?’

Though you are non dual right now ..
you are asking this question at the duality level as you are yet to know you are non dual, unborn!

I, the Absolute
(non dual) now using this conscious form( dual) and answering your question.

I am the source of Consciousness!

I am prior to Consciousness!

I know what this Consciousness is!

I know this Consciousness arises out of Me!
And merges back in Me!

I know the entire play happenings within conscious field in space are just a play only not real!

But your consciousness is yet to know what it is… as it is trapped by personality accepting itself as a tiny form with fixed labels imposed.

I am non dual!
I know what this Consciousness is!
As I remain the source of Consciousness always!

You are dual , just now at the Conscious level as your Consciousness is yet to know Me (the Absolute, awareness,)

To Me, nothing is happening here!

To you, every happening is real!

To Me, there is neither birth nor death!

To you, birth and death are more real!

I am prior to waking, dream, sleep states!
I remain untouched by all these states!

To you, waking, dreaming, sleeping all appear real as you are yet to know the Observer in you!

I, the Observer, prevail here forever!
I silently Observe the entire film happening in conscious field and remain unaffected.

You are yet to know the Observer, ( Me,the Absolute)
Hence you remain affected by the entire happenings taking all to be real and remain struggling….

I, the Absolute, now use this Conscious form and teach you that
‘You are Never Born, You Never Die!’

You are Eternal!

You are the Supreme !

Whatever perceived in space are only a dream not real!

Go inward!
And know the peace within!
Through peace, you know Me!

By knowing what your Consciousness is, You know Me! (The Absolute, wholeness!)

By knowing Me (The source)
your Consciousness knows its wholeness!
And knows its eternity beyond birth and death.

Now, tell me is it not more essential to listen to my teachings to know that you are non dual only and not the dual?