You Are Already That

“To know the present moment itself is real or not, is awakening of the dream…” Can you explain on this gm?

February 25, 2022 | 404 views

GM:  First you must know what is this dream?

Dream is nothing but the perceived objects moving in space.

Dream appears true as long as the perception is there.

All that appear in dream seem to be more real.

No one knows it is a dream while perceiving it.

How long the dream lasts?

How one comes to know that it was Only a Dream?

Once the perception is Over, Dream is Over!

Perception is due to what?

What is the principle which makes the perception possible?

Perception is due to Consciousness.

Once Consciousness ‘I Am’ happens, Dream starts …

Dream is perceived

Not knowing its unreality and accepted as real till one Wakes up.

Now I am questioning the present moment itself is real or not?

What is this present moment?

Whatever that appears and perceived now is in the present moment.

All that perceived are constantly changing …even now..

Whatever that changes are not real.

Real is unchanging.

At present, whatever perceived are changing but not the perceiver.

The perceiver is unchanging.

Once you focus inwardly on your ‘I am’ conscious without words, you will know that unchanging point in you which is unmoving …….

Once you stabilize and settle there, there is a possibility to Observe the Dream as a Dream.

Then your Consciousness starts awakening from its own created dream and knows that
“All is a Dream Only not Real.”

By merging in its source it knows its Non dual……Unborn nature.

Till then Consciousness is caught by its own created dream considering all as real.

What is the remedy for your dream?

Just waking up is enough.

Similarly, now your Consciousness identifying itself as a form, time, attributes has to realize that it is not what it takes itself to be.

You are not what you perceive.

Then why bother about the perceived?


You are yet to know all is a sheer dream only!

You are the Supreme most Reality!

There is nothing higher than you.!

Still how your consciousness is struggling by its own perception?

It is better to observe whatever that happens as a dream happening and not real…
while you are conscious.

This itself is the beginning of awakening of your dream..!

When you are more serious about all dream happenings you are giving more reality to a non existing dream.

When you are non serious about any happenings within conscious field you are about to awake!

Be non serious and wake up at the earliest.

Can you?