You Are Already That

Your Consciousness is now trapped by personality with imposed labels! Can you explain on this GM?

January 5, 2022 | 384 views

GM: What are you now?

Are you not conscious of yourself now?

Do you ever know that you are Consciousness only at present?

Your consciousness accepts itself as a form now.

Can the form function without Consciousness?

Can the world exist when you are not conscious?

Can you know your form when you are not conscious?

Where does your form exist?

Where does world exist?

Have you ever pondered over on these lines?

In your ‘ ‘I am ness’ Consciousness only everything happens including your form just now!

This your consciousness never knows.

Your consciousness accepts itself as a tiny form with fixed labels as itself not knowing its immense potential that there is neither world nor any manifestations,
here in space without your  “I am ness’ Consciousness!What are you now?

Are you the form?

You are more than the form!

But you accept yourself as a form!

You are none of the labels added on you!
(Your name, educational qualifications, occupations etc., )

You are beyond form!

Form cannot confine you!

You are beyond name!

Name cannot confine you!

You are beyond qualities!

Qualities cannot confine you!

You have no boundary!

Still you are confined at the personality level with fixed labels imposed on you unknowingly!

You are formless, nameless, attributeless !

See how you are trapped by personality at the form level unknowingly?
And confine yourself as certain labels….

Not knowing that world and entire manifestation happens out of your ‘I amness’ Consciousness just now!

In your I am ness’ only world happens now!

But for your ‘I amness’ Consciousness nothing is here!

Why don’t you focus attention on yourself to know your greatness beyond all manifestations here,
instead of attaching yourself with certain labels taking them to be real?

Can you?