You Are Already That

Q: Namaste GM, What is the nature of this Consciousness, why does this consciousness disappear in my deep sleep?

January 3, 2022 | 337 views

GM:  The nature of Consciousness is Creativity…..

Entire manifestation is created by your

‘I am ness’ Consciousness only….

Consciousness is everywhere ….

it is infinite….

It knows its presence only through a physical matrix.

Hence it creates the form and knows itself as ‘I am ness’.

It is consciousness functioning through the forms….

But for consciousness, neither forms nor any manifested object within space just now!

It knows its presence as ‘I am ness’ through form.

Elements interact and forms are created simultaneously with the knowing  ‘I am ness’.

Universal consciousness now knows its presence as ‘I am ness’ within a form.

It starts identifying itself as a finite form as it knows its presence only through the form.

It never knows it is prior to form.

In deep sleep, you do not know that you exist.

You come to know your existence only upon the arrival of Consciousness as ‘I am ness’.

But for elemental interaction ‘I am ness’ cannot happen.

Elements do not know when they interact.

Consciousness does not know when it happens.

Elemental interactions and I am ness’ Consciousness happening are spontaneous…..

With the arrival of ‘I am ness’, the world and entire manifestations happen simultaneously…..

Spontaneously elements interact just now.

Spontaneously ‘I am ness’ happens just now.

Spontaneously World, Cosmos, entire manifestations happen just now!

Here everything is spontaneous!

Entire spontaneous activity is by Consciousness itself.

There are never any person.

You are asking why this Consciousness disappear in deep sleep.

I am ness’ Consciousness appears due to spontaneous elemental interactions and the world appears in your  ‘I am ness’.

Your Conscious presence is known only at a particular temperature.

When elements interaction is at the lesser level, metabolic activity is also at the lesser level.

At a particular temperature, your body is frozen and I am ness’ is not known which you call as sleep.

Sleep is also spontaneous happening only.

So, the arrival of   ‘I am ness’ and the disappearance of ‘I am ness’ depends upon the elemental interaction only.

The world depends upon your ‘I am ness’.

I am ness depends upon elements!

So the entire play happening within space is by elemental interactions only.

But, “you the observer prevail prior to waking, dream and sleep states and have nothing to do with the elemental play!”