You Are Already That

Q: Dear GM.! Does Love Exist Only in Consciousness or also in Awareness?

October 9, 2024 | 15 views

GM: Consciousness itself is love.!

This love is Infinite.! With no beginning and no ending.!

It is not confined to a particular form, particular shape or design.!

It is Beyond form.! Beyond shape.! Beyond design.!

It is Beyond words.! Beyond Sound.!

Your Consciousness is the Source of Love.!

The Entire World happens just now out of Love by Consciousness.!

This Love is out of Yourself, which is your I am ness Consciousness.!

This Love itself is by Consciousness.!

It cannot be described, neither can be explained.!

Unless your Consciousness is Conscious of itself, it cannot know What Love is.!

But your Consciousness is Unknowingly trapped by the personality level Identification, the form level identification, and it accepts the Love to be separate  from itself..!

It is not so…..

There is no person here.!

Each and every form happens just now… out of your Consciousness.!

The Whole Universe happens out of Love by Consciousness.!

The Whole Cosmos just now happening out of Love by Consciousness.!

All objects whether living or Non living are happening Just Now out of Love by Consciousness.!

The Entire Duality Play itself is out of Love.!

Here there are No persons…..

First of all, note this point deeply….

There are No persons here.!

All forms are by Consciousness itself.!

Unknowingly Your Consciousness says I love you this much, I love you that much.!

Love is Infinite.!

You cannot confine it to a particular object or a particular form and say my Love is only this much, because love cannot be described…!

It cannot be confined!

It is beyond…. because your Consciousness itself is prior to Space.!

Love is also prior to Space, but it is confining itself within Space.!

Within Space, every object appears and moves….

Your Consciousness also confines its love to a particular Object, to a particular form, to a particular individual.!

First your Consciousness should know that it is Only Consciousness.!

Then it knows that everything is happening only out of itself.!

When nothing is separate from yourself just now and the entire world is happening only out of your Consciousness just now…!

How can you confine the love within limitations?

Love Neither Begins nor ends, it is there always!

How to know that it is already there and always there..?

Unless your Consciousness is Conscious of itself, it is not possible to know what Love is.!

Love cannot be described at the duality level.!

Love cannot be confined at the personality level.!

Love is Beyond Words.!

Beyond Movement.!

Beyond Object and You contain it..!

But it cannot be Expressed.!

Once your Consciousness is Conscious of itself, it knows what Love is and it starts knowing the Peace within.!

That Peace is infinite with no beginning and no ending.!

By knowing the Peace your Consciousness starts knowing the Joy also.!

This Joy is also Endless with No beginning.. Unlimited…. Beyond Boundaries.!

Your Consciousness and Love are not separate.!

You can know what Love is only at the Conscious level…….

So whatever you describe about…

Whatever you explain about…

Whatever you narrate about…

They all happen only within this duality.!

First know that you are Only Consciousness at Present.!

Close your eyes and know the peace within!

You will find Infinite Peace Beyond words, just now.!

This Peace contains the seed of the entire Universe within…!

The seed of the entire Manifestation within…!

Out of love only the seed is manifested as World, Cosmos, Galaxies, Universe, Entire Manifested Objects in space.!

Here there is Nothing separate from your Consciousness.!

Here, the entire Space is filled with Love… Bubbling with Love… Nothing is separate from Love.!

You will know this Once you settle inwardly and start knowing the Peace within because your Consciousness contains all.!

Better remain Conscious of Yourself and know that Everything is within you and nothing is separate from you.!

At least now know that Your Consciousness Contains All.!
