You Are Already That

Q: Beloved GM, You say that Nothing Never Happens, I am Never Born, I cannot Die… could you tell me how to know actualize this fundamental Truth from the duality level?

October 20, 2024 | 246 views

GM: This question is at the Duality level but You are Already in the Non-Dual state.!

As you are yet to know the Non-Dual Reality within…

You accept the duality show to be the Only Reality and You are come here to Realize What you are.!

Having come here…
I need to help your Consciousness by reminding your Consciousness that You are Already Consciousness.!

Your Consciousness does not know that it is Consciousness.!

Your Consciousness is prior to Space.!
Prior to Movement.! Prior to Object!
Prior to Form.!

Unknowingly, your Consciousness accepts the duality to be itself as it is yet to know its Non-Dual reality.!

I help your Consciousness to be Conscious of itself.!

To be Conscious of itself…First, it must transcend the duality.!

First, to transcend the duality, Your Consciousness should know that state which is prior to duality..!

To know that state in which you are Already, I need to help your Consciousness to settle inwardly.!

To settle Inwardly, first you must know the Peace within..

And to know the peace within, you must close the eyes as you are now.!

Just now… you know the Peace within.!

It is Already here…
You underestimate this peace… by not knowing that this peace contains the seed of Entire Manifestation.!

This Peace is the indicator of the light within.!

This Peace…
This Stillness is more than sufficient for your Consciousness to Realize what it is.!

I am not giving any Complicated method to know Yourself.!

I cannot give unnecessary knowledge to know what you are because you are Already prior to Knowledge.!

No method is needed because every method leads to movements.!

I straight away take you to that state where there is no movement… 
which can be known… only by closing eyes!

To know Yourself…
No knowledge is needed.!
No movement is needed..!
Just closing eyes is enough.!

Just now… you know the peace within and You only Observe the peace within.!

This peace is the beginning of Consciousness and You are the Absolute Observer prior to Consciousness…
The Source of Consciousness.!

You have come here Trusting me to realize what you are exactly.!

I am giving you the exact essential teaching necessary for you to get inwardly… to stabilize inwardly and to know the Peace within.!

I cannot give you unnecessary knowledge as you are Already stuffed with more Knowledge.!

You are not the Knowledge.!
You are Already prior to Knowledge.!

No Method is needed to know
What you are… because You are not going to become something…
so that effort is needed…
so that some method is Needed.!

You are Already That.!
What method is needed to know that You are already That?

You are Already that.!
What movement is needed to know that You are Already That..?

I am giving you the Essential knowledge necessary for your
Consciousness to wake up.!

Imbibe my teachings sincerely.!
It helps you to settle inwardly and Wake up Totally.!

I cannot make you sleep inwardly.!

You are always wakeful but you Never get inward.!

Outwardly you are always sleeping through identification… and you stay only outside.!

Through identification again you sleep.!

When you get inward you are free from identification and you remain wakeful.!

Only then you can wake up and know What you are.!

No effort is needed to know what you are.!
No method is needed to know what you are.!
No word is needed to know what you are.!

You areAlreadyThat.!
Just being with Yourself is more than enough.!

Throughout the session I am asking you to close the eyes and know the Peace.!

I cannot talk about anything.!
I am directly indicating the Consciousness within and I take you beyond words.!

What more you want?
And I tell you that You are Already That..!

What more you want?

Know to Observe silently then you know What you are.!

You are yet to Observe silently.!

And you are yet to Know how to Observe silently.!

Only by staying Beyond words you can observe Silently.!

At least now know… how to stay beyond words and how to Observe Silently.!

I am certain your Consciousness Wakes up and knows That it is Already That.!
