You Are Already That

Q: Beloved GM, Could you please clarify What is the difference between Witnessing and Observing.?

October 9, 2024 | 18 views


You Only Observe,

You are the Observer,

You are the Absolute Observer and The Observer is Never born.!

The Observer can Never die.!

The Observer is Eternal and You are That.. just now.!

You Only Observe just now, In your Observation Consciousness happens,

In your Consciousness…the world happens…entire duality happens… you are none of the happening but the Observer of all happenings..!

The Observer is Non-dual and You are That just now..!

At the duality level your Consciousness struggles.. throughout the waking state because it is accepting the duality to be real…!

Your Consciousness manifest all forms, all objects, entire duality within space including space… but who is the Observer of all that appear, happen and disappear?

Is it not you, the only Observer prior to the duality show?

At present you are Conscious of yourself.!
In your Consciousness only… the world happens!

Your Consciousness is nothing but light
Out of light only, Elements interact at an Highest speed and the entire duality is created just now…!

Entire creation, Entire manifestation, Entire duality show within space is by your Consciousness.!

Your Consciousness manifests… all objects within space whether it is living or non-living…

who is the Observer of all that happen…all that is manifested…all that appear and all that disappear.?

It is Only You, The Absolute Observer, the Non-dual Observer, the Eternal Observer..!

The Absolute Awareness, Observes…whether Consciousness happens or not, whether the duality happens or not…

You always Observe and Your Consciousness manifests..!

The source of entire manifestation is only Your Consciousness.!

The light within but you are more than the light, the Source of light and you are prior to Consciousness.! the Source of Consciousness..!

which you are yet to know..!

Your Consciousness Unknowingly accepts itself to be a person…

At the personality level your Consciousness says I witnessed such and such a thing…

Witnessing is still at the duality level… that you are witnessing something as if something is apart from you.

At the Non-dual level there is nothing apart from you..!

You alone Observe!
In your Observation everything appears and disappears!

You Always Observe!

Witnessing is at the duality level, Observation is at the Non-Dual level..!

Duality is not real.!

why are you still holding on to the Unreal duality..?

You are already the non-dual Observer just now

And You only Observe… just now..!

And You are the Eternal Observer!

This you will come to know Only when your Consciousness wakes up Totally…!

Your Consciousness is sleeping at the personality level.

Once your Consciousness wakes up from the personality level and remains Conscious of itself,

It knows that there is nothing apart from itself and everything is by your Consciousness and there is Nothing apart from your Consciousness and all things are by your Consciousness…

What is here to Witness… ?

Which is separate from you to Witness…?

This word Witness is used only at the personality level..!

At the Conscious level, at the Non-Dual level, at the highest level Only the Observer Alone prevails..!

I am indicating the Absolute Reality within you.!

Better Wake up Consciously and know that You only Observe just now…

You are the Only Observer… and You are ever ever present here… and whatever Observed within duality are not you…

As they are all just a reflection of the light by Consciousness…!

The Observer knows the Consciousness.!

As it is the Source of Consciousness.!

The Observer knows not Only the Consciousness…

As well as the play by Consciousness.!

The Observer alone knows that there is no Reality within the Duality..!

The Observer remains ever in a Relaxed state… unbothered about the Duality state.!

Observer is Ever Ever in the Nectar state.!

You are That Just Now!

I am helping your Consciousness to know its highest state…

Better wake up Consciously and know that You are Only the Observer and not the Witness!

There is Nothing to Witness here because Nothing is separate from You..!

You are the Observer,
The Absolute Observer,
The Ever present Observer and know that whatever Observed are not You..!

The Observer remains cool and relaxed because the Observer knows the Unreality of the Duality show..!

I am talking to your Consciousness that you are only the Observer and not the Observed..!

Abide in Stillness Inwardly…

Know that You are the Ultimate Observer…!

Nothing has Never
happened to you the Observer.!

Wake up from the duality show and know the Non Dual Reality…
That you are the Only Observer.!
