You Are Already That

Namaste GM, In my part, What is the basic Requirement for this Inner journey?

April 9, 2022 | 396 views

GM: You require nothing in this inner journey to know your Supreme reality!

You are already ‘what you are’ ! 

You are in your Original Supreme state Already!

This you never know after the arrival of your ‘I am ness‘ Consciousness!

Your ‘I am ness’ itself is Consciousness only at present!

Your Consciousness now knows its presence through the form as ‘I am ness’!

But it is prior to form happening in space.

This your Consciousness is yet to know as it is trapped by the form level identity as itself!

By accepting the form as itself your consciousness which is infinite is now conditioning itself as a tiny form.

Your Consciousness is conditioning itself by accepting itself as a form!

By accepting itself as a form …now it accepts that it is born!

Again it is conditioning itself as being born though it is never born but ever present!

By accepting its birth now it has a constant fear of death too….!

Again it is conditioning itself though it never dies!

Where is the death for the one which is never born?

By accepting itself as a form it accepts birth and death as real…!

At the form level so many labels are added to it to identify itself !

All these identifications are accepted as real at the form level!

At the form level your Consciousness accepts that all forms are different from itself !

My question is:

Where do all form exist?

How do you know your form ?

How do you know that you exist?

Your Consciousness has to know that only from your ‘I am ness’…. Consciousness everything appears and all are known!

Till then it accepts all that appear as real and all happenings as more real as it is yet to know that everything begins in your ‘I am ness’ only …and ends up in your ‘I am ness’ only just now!

Your Consciousness is conditioning itself through more identifications at the form level identity and remain ignorant forever, till it meets a realized.

Only a realized tells your Consciousness :

You are Consciousness only at present!

You are prior to form!

You are infinite…!

You are prior to space!

All these labels added as identifications to this form are not you!

When form itself is not you….can all those identifications added to the form be real?

You are more than the form!

You are only using the form Just now!

This form can neither happen nor function without Consciousness just now!

Not only your form but all forms are happening out of your Consciousness only just now!

Q: what is the basic requirement of this inner journey?

First your Consciousness should know it is only Consciousness at present!

It knows by closing eyes and knowing the stillness within!

Only from this stillness entire manifestations happen spontaneously just now!

By knowing that it is only Consciousness within and not the form outside, your Consciousness is now free from all identifications added to the form.

Now your Consciousness uses the form consciously !

By remaining Conscious….your Consciousness is free from all nuisances at the form level identity!

Now it is fully conscious of itself and ready to know its source !

When Consciousness is conscious of itself it is ready to know its source and its immense Ultimate Eternity beyond birth and death!

At the form level identifications it struggles endlessly not knowing what it is as it searches itself only outwardly!

By remaining Conscious of itself your Consciousness is now free from all identifications and knows its fullness beyond divisions!

You are an Emperor already !

See how you are trapped through form level identifications and struggle inside a dream by accepting  all that perceived as real!

Once your Consciousness knows it is Consciousness only prior to form then it knows its Ultimate richness beyond dualities!

The basic requirement is that your Consciousness should know it is only Consciousness at present which is infinite and prior to form…!

Then it will not be trapped through any identifications within space and remain totally free to know its wholeness!

Your Consciousness which sleeps through personality inside a dream (form level )…!

Now wakes up from its dream by remaining conscious of itself constantly through stillness!

Though you are in Original Supreme state just now!

Your fall begins with the beginning of Consciousness as ‘I am ness’ …now!

Your ‘I am ness’ knowing it is only Consciousness and not the form is essential for this inner journey.

Only your Consciousness finds out its source and knows what it is exactly beyond birth and death dualities!

By identifying itself as a form with more identifications it remains inside the dream and unable to wake up from the dream at the form level duality.

Now you know how your Consciousness is trapped by dualities at the form level and unable to wake up from the dream at the form level..!

Better know your ‘I am ness’ is not a person but Consciousness only and abide in stillness to wakeup from the dream to know :

You are the Absolute !

Non dual !

Just now!

Will you?