You Are Already That


January 2, 2022 | 365 views



Consciousness is love!

Love is universal!

Entire universe functions out of love.

The entire space is filled with love!

River, mountain, trees, flowers, sun, star,moon, etc., all function out of love!

Love does not expect anything!

It simply functions out of joy!

Entire manifestation happens out of love by Consciousness!

Consciousness creates all creatures out of love and functions through all out of love!

This love is infinite and unending….

There are never any person!

All by Consciousness itself!

When there is no person who is loving whom?

Only consciousness appears as all and functions through all!

Love is bubbling throughout space!
Flower blossoming, river running, birds chirping all by Consciousness itself out of love!

Love Thyself!

Once Consciousness starts loving itself it focuses attention on itself and gets to know its immense potential within.

You are enough unto yourself!

Your Consciousness is more than enough for you to know your Supreme Richness!