You Are Already That

‘Just be! ‘- GM, Can you explain on this?

January 6, 2022 | 361 views

GM: Just be means simply Observe….

Without Involvement.

As your Consciousness identifies all as real it goes on identifying and manipulating endlessly without rest.

You are already the Observer only beyond Consciousness!

But you never know your Beyondness!

You are caught up by all the play happenings within space Unknowingly
and remain restless!

You , the Observer, never do anything…

You only Observe all that happen within Conscious field as World, Cosmos, Manifestations Silently!

Only in your observation world , cosmos happens !
Is it not?

But for your Consciousness there is neither world nor cosmos or anything.

Know, it is your Consciousness which creates everything just now within space and starts functioning through entire manifestations.

Your Consciousness and the world are not separate!

All activities like breathing, heart beat, metabolic activities are spontaneously going on without any effort by you!

Do you make any effort for the same?

Each and every activity is spontaneous by your Consciousness!

You never do anything…

All actions are by Consciousness itself!

You may say ‘ I am eating…….Walking…….doing all actions !’

My question is can there be actions at all if you are not Conscious?

All actions are by your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness Only….

But you say I am doing it…as you still identify yourself as a limited form with a fixed shape.

Can your form function without Consciousness?

Know the lively principle in your  ‘I am ness’ consciousness which does all work spontaneously!

So you never do anything!

All by Consciousness only!

When all actions are by Consciousness then who is the Observer of all those actions?

You are the Observer….

Observing silently all that happen within Space Just Now!

You the observer never do anything!

The observer is unchanging and unmoving….and ever present …!

You are That!

You never knew that you are already the observer beyond Consciousness and its expressions as world, cosmos etc.,

Only in your Consciousness Everything Appears to Happen and Disappears.

But you the Observer prevail here forever beyond dualities.

You the Observer never do anything!

You only observe!

Just now!

Just be – means simply observe through stillness……as this stillness is connected to the source to know your immense potential beyond all divisions….

Just be….
does not mean that you should not do any work…..

It means just observe all that happen within Conscious field through stillness!

It is Consciousness that carries out all work necessary for the survival of the form as it needs the form to know itself!

You don’t interfere with the conscious play and simply observe!

You simply observe just now!

And breathing and all actions through the form are by Consciousness itself just now!

Do you accept atleast now?

That you never do anything and only Observe!

You will accept it provided you stay beyond words and abide in stillness !