You Are Already That

Beloved GM, I am always worried and fearful about my death. How can I come out of this ?

January 8, 2022 | 410 views

GM: With what Identity are you asking this question?

Certainly, at the personality level only.

Do you ever know that you are never born, never die?

This is the Absolute truth!

You find difficult to accept it as you take yourself to be a form now.

What is this form?

Can the form appear when you are not Conscious of yourself?

Do you ever know that your form appears now only in your ‘I amness’Consciousness?

But for Consciousness, there is neither world nor any form including your form just now!

Your form depends on your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness …. Not only your form but every form within space just now.

You know neither your presence nor your form in deep sleep.

Spontaneously, you are conscious of your presence as
‘I am ness’ Consciousness and simultaneously your form happens in your Consciousness.

In your, ‘I am ness’ Consciousness not only your forms but all forms appear just now!

Accept that your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness is the source of all forms within space just now!

Your Consciousness is the source of entire manifestation inclusive of not only your form but all forms ….

Can the form function without Consciousness?

It is your I am ness’ Consciousness, which functions through all forms within space just now.

When your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness disappears in sleep, there is neither world nor any form including your form.


It is your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness, which creates all forms!

It is your ‘I amness’Consciousness which functions through all forms!

Once Consciousness disappears as in sleep, the entire manifestation disappears.

Which is called  ‘deep sleep’.

My question is:

Is your form independent of Consciousness?

Can your form function without Consciousness?

Is your form alone appear in your Consciousness?

When all forms appear in your Consciousness and functions by Consciousness itself….

Can you say that your form is independent of other forms in Conscious field?

You are yet to know that Your Consciousness is prior to form!

In your Consciousness, only form happens!

But for Consciousness, there is no form.

Know, that your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness is the base for entire manifestations, your form including all forms within space just now!

You are yet to remain Conscious of yourself through stillness within.

Consciousness within contains the seed of entire manifestation within space!

Your Consciousness wrongly identifies itself as a tiny form with fixed labels imposed not knowing that it is Consciousness only at present.

Your Consciousness has to know its source beyond birth and death.

By knowing the source,
Your Consciousness knows that it is never born…

Where is the death for the one that is never born?

Your consciousness knows it is beyond form ,
beyond space and beyond birth and death.

Your Consciousness knows its eternity by constantly abiding in stillness and transcending itself totally into the source itself to know its wholeness!

Your Consciousness never dies!

You are yet to know as you are trapped by a personality which is false…..

Better remain conscious of yourself and know your deathlessness and remain free!

Know it is only the form that disappears and your Consciousness is ever here in eternity in its source of Awareness!

In Your  ‘I am ness’ Consciousness every form is perceived including your form.

When Consciousness merges back in its source, neither manifestation nor any form including your form within space.

Now tell me which dies?

All forms disappear along with your form when your Consciousness disappears in sleep.

Every form within space depends on your I am ness’ Consciousness!

When your Consciousness goes deeper within and transcends itself it knows Nothing is born! Nothing dies!

Once you Know your eternity ,
you will not fall a prey to such words called birth, death etc., As they never exist!

Better know at the earliest and remain free!

When there are no persons here!
All by Consciousness itself!

What is death?

Which dies?

Better wake up consciously and know death does not exist!

It is only a dream, not real!

You , the Absolute prevail here forever!