You Are Already That

GM, What is the real challenge in this inner journey towards knowing the Ultimate truth?

January 25, 2022 | 431 views

GM: At the highest level, there is nothing called challenge here!

As you are already the Supreme! Non dual!

Challenge is only at the duality level!

Your fall begins with the beginning of ‘ I am ness’ Consciousness within space!

You do not know your existence in deep sleep.

Spontaneously you come to know that you exist upon the arrival of ‘I amness’ Consciousness….

You come to know that you exist now only through the form.

Consciousness is ever here!

It knows its presence only through a physical matrix called form !

Note this:

Though your consciousness is prior to form, infinite … now it identifies itself as a form with imposed labels added to it as itself.

Consciousness unknowingly accepts itself as a form!

Consciousness never knows that it is prior to form just now and using the form just now!

So Consciousness remains unknown to itself!

By accepting itself as a form now it accepts it is born…

And accepts all stories told as real ..though there is not even an iota of truth in whatever it perceives, hears…in space!

Consciousness which is infinite accepts itself as a tiny form as itself…

By accepting the birth as real at the form level it has a constant fear of losing the form at the death level…

Never knowing its immense potential it is caught at the duality form level now!

Q: what is the real challenge in this inner journey…..?

Inwardly you are peaceful right now!

To know the peacefulness within only you are closing eyes now …..

Once your eyes are closed you see nothing inside.

Only unmoving peacefulness is inside… overflowing with unending joy….just now!

What you term as challenge is only at the personality level within space!

At the personality level you take yourself to be separate from the other forms in space…
hence out of duality all divisions appear to happen outwardly…

which is totally unreal!

Once your consciousness knows that all forms are happening out of your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness……

Tell me….
which is separate from yourself just now?

When nothing is separate from yourself, what is challenge here in space?

By accepting the personality your Consciousness now asks’ what is the challenge here in my inner journey?’

You consider yourself to be separate from other forms never knowing all forms are conscious forms only happening just now in your ‘I am ness’ !

But for your ‘I am ness’ what is here?
Tell me!

Like sun and sun rays your ‘I am ness’ Consciousness and all forms in space including your form appear just now!

Once you know that your Consciousness contains all!

You are an emperor already at the Conscious level….

You will not find any challenge here as your Consciousness sleeping through personality ….
now starts waking up consciously ….!

Once your consciousness is conscious of itself …

By closing eyes… it knows its infinity beyond limitations, beyond boundaries…

Just now…

Then it knows the stillness within and knows … all that perceived in space….
are only from itself!

Nothing is alien to it to challenge here!

You can challenge something which is alien to you!

Once you know there is nothing here other than yourself….

Never any person here!

All forms are by Consciousness itself!

Every functioning is by Consciousness itself!

Then tell me….!

‘what is here to challenge?’

When all that perceived in space is by yourself just now?

Just abide in stillness and know your immeasurable potential within just now!

In stillness, everything dissolves!

In stillness, you are one with the source itself!

Remain still and know your Supreme reality just now!