You Are Already That

GM, How to Observe in case of severe pain? Kindly clarify!

January 10, 2022 | 308 views

GM: What is pain?
Pain is at the form level.

What is a form?
Is it not made up of zillions of cells.

How cells are made?
Is it not due to the spontaneous interaction of elements just now?
How pain is felt?
Pain is due to some discomfort, some imbalance in the interaction of elements.!

Pain can be cured by balancing the required elements through some medicines.
Now your question is:
How to observe in case of severe pain?

This pain is at the form level.
Pain is felt due to Consciousness.

When Consciousness is absent pain cannot be felt.

Pain is at the Conscious form level.
Beyond Consciousness neither form nor pain.

You are beyond Consciousness just now.
Yet to know it!

You, the Observer, only Observe whatever that happens within the conscious field in space.

All identifications are within space!
You are prior to all identifications within space!

You prevail prior to space!
Whatever that happens within space are not you including your form.

This you know only by closing eyes and stabilizing in stillness within constantly.

Once you settle inwardly and observe silently all that happen in space like a dream….

You remain separate from the pain observed.

Pain is separate from you!
Pain is a movement.
It is not you!

You, the Observer are unmoving….
You are beyond movement!
Now observing the movement called pain silently without identification.

When you Observe silently without any identification you are free from the pain.