You Are Already That

GM, by knowing our roots, do we get any extra vision? Can you predict anything in advance?

January 11, 2022 | 296 views

GM: I say:
‘Whatever perceived here are not real!’

All that perceived here in space are only a reflection of light within!

When nothing is real here, what more vision you want to have?

I say’ All that perceived are only a dream! Unreal!’

What more vision you are expecting here?

Question: can you predict anything in advance?

This question is at the personality level.

Once you are conscious of yourself, you know every happening here in space is spontaneous!

When all actions are spontaneous, who is predicting what?

There are never any person here!

All forms are conscious forms only!

Total functioning of entire manifestation is by Consciousness itself!

At the Conscious level !

At the Awareness level,

Nothing never happens

To know nothing never happens, you must remain conscious of yourself to know all happenings are spontaneous here!

When every action is spontaneous, every happening is spontaneous,
can you predict anything in advance?

Can it be real?

You are asking this inside a dream not knowing it is all a dream only!

Can a dream be predicted?

It just happens!

My question is:
Are you inside the dream?
outside the dream?

When you are inside the dream, every happening seems to be real!

Only upon waking up, you get to know it is all a dream and unreal!

Is it not?

Similarly, now, every happening appears to be real for you as you are yet to know that ‘ you are the perceiver prior to dream!

And not the perceived!’

Better wake up at the earliest to know you are already the Observer prior to dream and all happenings inside a dream!

Can you?