You Are Already That

Enough of Seriousness! Be Non Serious.!

October 12, 2022 | 671 views

I am revealing this truth just to tell you not to be serious about any happenings.

Be Non-serious, throughout..!

Non seriousness means not holding to the past or future but to the present.

Because the present only contains the treasure within.

Just Be!


Do not hold onto anything.

Then only you can relax.

Then you know abundant joy within… Endlessly.

Do you feel hard to know yourself?

Is it not easier for you?

Consciousness is already Here.

Now you are settling in it.

That is all!

All are made extraordinary.

It has become a tough task to be ordinary…. Now.!

Live a simple life.

Don’t bother about anyone.

Just be!

To be ordinary is the simplest one.

How it has become so much harder now.?

Is it not due to over conditioning?

Consciousness is conditioning itself as a tiny personality and suffers now to free from the conditions imposed as it is strongly holding the imposed knowledge as real.

Once your Consciousness abides in stillness it knows it is free already from all the imposed knowledge… and remains non serious …as now it knows that the entire manifestation is arising out of it only….!

Only through Non seriousness your Consciousness wakes up totally from the perceived dream and Not Otherwise.!

 – GM